96 - Father Daughter Dance *Modern*

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Prompt - Francis taking his little girl to her first father daughter dance, please! Maybe Bash, too?

Side Note - I live in the UK, so we don't have father/daughter dances, so I hope I can do it justice with the limited knowledge I have! Blame any inconsistencies or errors on that! And this is in the same AU as Part 94!


"Look at you!" Mary de Valois-Angouleme smiled, slowly plopping down onto the large sofa gingerly. Her eldest daughter giggled shyly, spinning from left to right, her red dress' skirts blooming like a flower in season. She twirled a lock of curly dark hair, beaming up at her father who towered over her. "So pretty." Mary smiled, as if she hadn't been the one to dress her daughter up in her pretty little dress and do her hair and makeup.

"Thank you, mama." Anais giggled softly, reaching up for her fathers' large palm. She wound her little fingers around his hand, leaning her head upon his forearm.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay, Mary?" Francis asked, subconsciously fixing his black tie, watching his wife squirm slowly, uncomfortably, trying to make herself comfortable on one of their couches. "You did just have the baby a couple weeks ago." he stated, looking over at her worriedly. It was true, their third child had arrived just three and a half weeks ago, their first boy together.

"She'll be fine, Francy Pants." Kenna tapped his nose, walking past him to sit next to her friend. "She's got Lola, Greer and I to keep her company, as well as the rest of the rugrats." Kenna de Portiers stated happily. Now a mother in her own right -to two, no less- she was confident that the men and the eldest girls could go out for a couple hours and come back to the Valois estate still in tact. "You go out and have fun, alright? Don't cause your father or your uncle too much trouble." Kenna tutted to her eldest girl. Little Amia giggled mischievously, every inch her mother from looks to personality. She toyed with her mermaid purple-blue-green dress, smiling prettily as Sebastian picked her up and sat her on his hip. She was younger than Anais, but still in her school year.

"Here's the slowpoke, everybody!" Greer called from the bathroom. Out ran little Rosie, covered up in a rose coloured dress, dark hair pilled on top of her head in a bun. She wore one of her mothers' borrowed necklaces, the small diamond sparkling on her little chest. Rosie giggled loudly -the eldest of the three girls by a year- as Leith, donned up in a grey suit, threw her up in the air and laughed merrily at his only daughter. Unlike Mary and Francis or Kenna and Sebastian, or even Lola and Julian, they had no other children just yet.

Francis smiled at the scene, walking over to John, ruffling his hair, as he and James sat at the small table, both doing homework quietly. He gave a fist bump to James, who giggled at his step fathers' silliness, before Anais gave them goodbye kisses.

"Bye brothers." she hummed in her sweet little voice. They both grumbled in horror as she pressed sloppy kisses to their cheeks, but couldn't hide their smile, waving their half sister goodbye. After all, little Anais may look like her mother, but she had inherited her fathers' charm. Like their parents, the step brothers could deny little Anais nothing. Even though no grown up boy at ten would be seen dead kissing their little sister goodbye.

"Where you going, Papa?" Genevieve hummed from the lush rug she -at two years old- crawled upon, her words misspoken, but she got the message across. The youngest of the two sisters, she was the first child who blended their parents' looks together. Ashy blonde curls with dark blue-green eyes, already showing signs of being her fathers' daughter with her mothers' flair. Born just before Anais' third birthday, she had Francis, just like Anais did, wrapped around her little finger.

"I'm going to dance with your sister, mon petite Princesse." Francis hunched down to pluck Genevieve from the floor. He lifted her onto his side, the child curling her small head into his neck. And the elder of the two was quick not to be outdone, jumping onto Francis' other hip. He grunted with the sudden weight, holding them both onto him.

Lola hummed happily, cooing at the sweet little girl, observing her own baby girl who crawled around the lush carpeting. Evangeline Varga was still only a baby, so her father wasn't present to take her to the dance, like Francis, Sebastian and Leith. He and Remy were working late tonight, Lola had stated, coming around with John to help out with the younger children.

"Stay Papa." Genevieve pleaded with her big eyes. "Stay with me." she stated, her sweet small voice as charming as it was captivating, having inherited her mothers' talent for bewitching men.

"He can't, little one." Greer stated, coming over to take the child away from her father, who's resolve was quickly weakening, no matter how much Anais' pulls at his lapel. "But he'll be back soon." she was quick to settle the childs' wail. She pouted up at Francis, who had to quickly walk to Mary, as the others held their own conversations. 

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked, kissing his wife's head. "I mean, I know you've got Kenna, Greer and Lola, but this little guy is still so young-" he sent a fond glance over to his newest son who was the easiest baby they'd both had. Blue eyed and dark haired, Zachary Toby Sebastian de Valois was content to sleep in his little blue sleeper on the couch whilst his father briefly left. "and you've got all of the kids, apart from three." he stated.

"I'll be alright." Mary nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes, not enjoying how fatigued the painkillers from the birth a week before Christmas made her. "I've got all of them, and they're not that bad, anyway." she nods again, fixing her maternity leggings and oversized hoodie.

"If you're sure." he didn't seem convinced. Anais giggled and hid her face as her mother kissed her father. John and James gagged as they glanced over and saw both half brothers kissing their wives briefly.

"Stop it, you two." Lola chuckled, pushing the back of John's chair slightly. 

James stuck his tongue out, looking up as Francis, Leith and Sebastian made to the door to leave.

"Say goodbye to mama, baby." Bash stated, leaning Amia down to kiss Kenna, and then little one year old Matthias, who guzzled in response, all done up in his little red outfit. Kenna giggled at her boy who looked just like Sebastian did.

"Be sure to let your mama know how your first party goes, baby girl." she smiles.

"Bye bye, mama." Anais smiles, giggling at Mary's kiss upon her nose.

"Bye, sweet girl. Have fun with Papa."

"Love you, mama."


Thought I'd make up for the kinda sad one with a fluffy family piece. Please let a girl know what you think!  Thank you all so so much for 10K reads!

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