192 - Bruise

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"So-" Kenna grins over her teacup, looking straight into the eyes of her Queen. "-what's the rumour between the servants about? Does it hold any weight?" she asks, one hand sneakily reaching down to take a piece of crumbly scone with strawberry jam and cream.

The Queen of France and Scots visibly blushes at her half sister in law's words, but she flicks her hair out of her eyes and grows the nerve to meet Kenna's eyes. "-uh, of course not." she says, taking a piece of her own scone, opening her mouth to pop it on.

"Oh?" she raises a brow. "You sure about that?"

"What? What's going on?" Greer asks, licking her fingers clean of the pomegranate juice. "Why're you looking at Mary like that? What's the rumour?" she asks quickly, looking from Baroness to Queen.

"Rumour has it, ladies, that our chaste and proper Queen over here," Kenna glances at Mary. "was caught by a servent after Francis' meeting with General Brantome and Gerome , on the King's lap on his throne, in a rather compromising position." she smirks. "What was it, Mary? Your corset half off, your husbands' breeches a little miscue for what's proper, even in France?"

"Mary!" Greer gasps. "It seems our young Queen isn't so chaste and innocent anymore, is she?" she laughs along with Kenna. Mary flushes a deeper red.

"Stop!" she begs. "Fine, I admit. Those words hold weight." she smirks, chuckling as Kenna shrieks with laughter.

"Such a scandalous Queen we have here, ladies! Even I've never made love in public view!" she gasps. "Tell me, how was it? Did the risk make the reward even more sweet?"

"Kenna!" Greer gasps.

"Oh, shut it! We're all married here, all of us know the touch of a man by now!"

Mary chuckles along with them, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "All I'll say is that there's something delicious about being astride a King when he acts a King." Mary smirks.

"Oh, you little vixen!" Kenna laughs loudly. "Tell me, is that where you got that lovely bruise on your neck?" she asks, pointing at the red blotch on the otherwise seamless neck of the Queen of Scots and France.

She smirks. "Well, everybody now knows what Francis and I are up to, why try and change it?"

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