98 - Rupture

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Prompt - Modern Prince Francis wants to end his engagement and marry Olivia (like what was talked about in episode 5), but something happens to Mary that changes his mind.

Side Note - Same AU as the 'Harm' mini series!


Pain...Such incredible pain. A pain like she'd never felt before. It was incomparable to any sickness or injury she'd ever had. Unlike the car crash when she was a child, unlike the bruises from play fights as a child, unlike anything and everything she'd ever felt in her entire life.

Mary doubled over, a small groan of pain leaving her lips. She felt the urge to vomit the dinner she'd eaten just mere minutes previously. Her breath was nearly lost from the pain. She drew in a deep, shaking breath. It trembled in her chest, her skin clammy and sick with perspiration and tears.

"Ugh." She breathed, a shuddering breath mixing in with the groan. She scrunched her face in a small grimace, lightly trembling from the pain. Her teeth clenched, beads of sweat beginning to appear upon her brow. She hissed in and out, curling up upon herself as if it would stop the worst pains she had ever felt.

She clutched her stomach, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with her. The pain simultaneously drew her organs together and ripped them apart, coming in waves. Pain, then incomparable pain. Stars could be seen every time she closed her eyes. This was not normal. What was this? Was this it? Was this death? Was the fated to only live seventeen years upon this earth?

"Ugh." She whimpered, feeling her stomach lurch again. Trying to settle the nausea, she breathed in and out in short, sharp breaths.

"Oh my god." she mewed, running a hand through her sweat laden hair. Mary was clueless about what was wrong with her. The only thing she could think of it being close to was the worst menstrual cramps she'd ever had in her life. But, that was impossible. Her period was two weeks ago. She couldn't possibly be this early. It physically wasn't possible.

Miscarriage? Red lights started flashing as she thought that what she was experiencing, was one of those. Impossible she thought, settling her anxiety. Upon the rarity she and Francis saw each other and were granted a few hours alone, they had always used protection upon both ends. And even though they were in an open relationship until their mothers and his father called for wedding bells, he had repeatedly assured her that anybody else he had been with, he had used protection with them, to make sure that he didn't catch anything and give it to her.

Undiagnosed sickness? No. She went through physicals every other month, Marie de Guise could be that paranoid when it came to her only daughter's health. And especially when that only daughter was destined to become the Queen of France, there could be no risks taken. Even as a child, any cold or flu or slight fever was immediately seen to by at least five days in the hospital at a time.

Her stomach lurched violently again and she shot up, the pain doubling. Unable to quiet the cry she let out, she threw back the blankets in a attempt to get up to regurgitate.

That's when she noticed it.

The blood.

Mary screamed out in both shock and fear, unable to not do so. There was far too much of it to be just her menstrual cycle. There was so much more than any blood she'd ever lost in even the heaviest of cycles. Her eyes were wide, wider than ever before. She drew in heavy, rapid breaths, which probably didn't help the unmistakable fever she had. Her body began to tremble as more and more continued to seep out of her body.

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