Losin control.

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Renzo POV.
It was like 5 in da morning and saint ass yet ta walk his skinny ass thru this door. I was worried but I wasn't cause I kno that nigga had that gun in his pants. But I was thinking if he was jus out cheating and was gon make up a bogus ass lie when he came in.

Dior had woke up ballin ha eyes out cause she was hungry and that's when I noticed he still wasn't here.

I had got like 97 missed calls from Kay but my phone was on silent so I ended up calling back.

"Yes boy? It's 5 in da mo-"

"Saint got shot!" He huffed thru da phone

"Huh?" I ask cause he had said it too fast.

"Yo nigga. Got shot 9 times." He huffed again like he was outta air.

"Wat Wea y'all at!?"

"Calm down I'm on my way ta the hospital right now. Mir already der. I swea that nigga betta make it thru" he said as I heard his voice crack.

"Tell me tha address kacey" I said gettin Dior in ha car seat and gettin my shoes.

"The hospital right down the street from Walmart." He said that and I hung up.

I grabbed my phone and ran ta the car wit Dior. And got us situated and drove ta the hospital.

Sum minutes later I made it and got Dior out and ran inside the hospital and saw mir and Kay and gave them Dior then went ta the desk.

"Saint smith. Please I gotta see him." I told the old lookin black lady at the desk.

" I'm sorry sir but uu cant see him right now he's in critical condition" she said wit a lil attitude.

"Ma'am I really don't give a damn. I need to see that man. A shot womb is not contagious" I said slamming my hand on the desk thing.

I was finna blow up cause I jus need to make sure he's ok.

I can't lose him man. Him, Dior, Kay and Amir is my life.

Of course me and the boys moms to but these are the people I talk to literally every single day.

"Sir please sit down" she said rollin ha eyes.

" zo jus come sit" mir said as he was holdin Dior cryin and Kay had his head in his hands.

But I did sit down with them and waited and waited and waited.

A doctor came walkin out and said saints name so we stood up and went to him.

"Wats happening? Is he goin to be ok? Can I see him!?" I rushed out soon I made it to the doctor.

"Well not jus yet. He's in surgery" he said tappin on his lil clip board thing.

"Is he gon be ok?" Mir asked.

"Well I thin-" he tried to say but a different doctor came runnin out.

"Doc!" He said with fear in his eyes.

"I gotta go" He said runnin puttin back on his mask.

"Fuck!" Kay screamed and rubbed his head bout to walk out the hospital doors.

Mama jumped and started cryin I'm guessing cause he scared ha. Mir tried ta calm ha down and I walked after Kay.

"Aye wea uu goin man" I asked Kay as he was about to get in his car.

"Ta find the mfs who did this ta my brotha." He said not even turning around.

"I already got that covered Kay I wasn't jus finna let them niggas walk and my baby in hea fighting fa his life" I said wiping my tears.

" how the hel-" "don't worry bout allat jus kno y'all 'homies' on da job" I said takin his keys.

"Best I kno damn well uu ain't put no rookies on da job" he said walkin ta me like he was mad or sum.

"Boy move yo ass back and nah them high top niggas that always be wit y'all on da shit" I said pushin on his chest.

"Yeah ok best I was finna say"

"Boy shut yo ass up and go in d-

"Y'all the doctor back out hea!" Mir yelled at us from the door.

We basically ran back in the hospital.

"Is he ok?"

The doctor jus laughed and nodded his head.

"That's a strong man on y'all hands yeah y'all can see him. He's in room 204" he said movin ova and we went running ta the room.

We sat by his bed and put Dior on the bed wit him.

He woke up like 3 hours later and the first thang he said blew our minds.

"Who are y'all?"

To be continued..
Y'all missed me?☺️
I missed y'all to.
Lemme kno how y'all like it💕

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