Facts byBishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo

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"Life is not a funfare,it is a warfare".

"We live in a thinkers world,thinkers rule,if you are not a thinker you will end up being a slave".

"There is no mountain anywhere,everybody's mountain is ignorance".

"Knowing what God as promised is information,but knowing what to do to actualize it is revelation".

"God can only prosper the works of your hands,not your calling".

"What ever is not working in your life is not Gods fault. It is your knowledge that is inadequate. You need your oqn license of knowledge to walk in total freedom in this earth".

"It takes a song to hear a souns from heaven".

"When you walk in hatred,therefore you walk in lack".

"Somebody once asked me how do you get time to read,and I asked him how do you get time to eat".

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