True fact-11

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"Believe in yourself becuase no one else will believe in you".

"If you dont fight your war then you die in the war".

"Face your fears not to prove anything to anyone but to know your weaknesses".

"If you love your girlfriend dont ask for a kiss because some girls dont like it so she will probably leave you".

"If you can't give me a definite reason why you like me then I can give a thousands reason why you and I can't work".

"You say am ugly have you looked at yourself in the mirror".

"The truth please are you enjoying this facts, you can say it in the comments I need answers".

"I have imaginations but most of them dont come true, I still dont know why".

"You failed in a subject doesnt make you a failure but when you believe you are a failure you become one".

"If we quarrel too much,abuse ourselves if we are meant to be we will be so stop wasting your power by fighting with me we will still be together forever".

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