Be yourself

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"Pain makes you stronger,tears makes you braver,heart breaks makes you wiser so thank the past for a better future".

"There is always a reason why you meet new people,either you need them to change your life,or ure yhe one that will change theirs".

"Never cry for that person who doesnt know the value of your tears".

"Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you,they reavel who they are,not who you are,therefore be silent".

"Be with people who knows your worth,you dont need too many people to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate who you are".

"If someone seriously wants to be a pary of your life,they will seriously make an effort to be in it....No reasons,no excuse".

"Beuty begins the moment you try to be yourself".

"You teach people how to treat you,by what you allow,stop and reinforce".

"Be loyal to people who are not present. In doing so you build the trust of poeple who are present".

Sorry guys I wasnt able to get the writers of this,accept my apology


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