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"I move on after every heart break not because i want to but because i have to".

"I can do without your love for as long as I care or find it pleasing,love is not by force".

"If you wanna ask me out ask me dont start sending me poem most of us have things to do".

"Been happy is what makes us the best"..

"We all have felt what its feels like to be heart broken,so please dont come and start ranting on social media that your boo a girl or a guy left you".

"Am bored are you??".

"I cant die for anyone or anybody jesus himself carried his cross so carry yours".

"Please check out the book titled missing piece and my first everything i wrote them but something went wrong with my account so i logged out and i had to create a new password and account cos i forgot my old one. Its by oluwatise2020. God bless yall as you do so:.

"Some questions arw better left unaswered than answered amd causing a disagreement between two parties".

"If you hate me tell me i cant beat".

"It's very annoying to see someone calling you a liar when you are tellimg the truth".

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