True facts

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"Pain changes people, it makes them, overthink more and trust pople less".

"Sometimes people dont want to hear the truth, because they dont want their illusions to be destroyed".

"Tell someone who is angry, that they have every right to feel that way, if you want to calm them down dont tell them to calm down".

"Trust once lost,couldnt be easily found, not in a year, perhaps not even in life time".

"Dont fear failure, fear being in the next place next year as you are today".

"Happiness is an inside job, dont assign anyone that as much power over your life".

"Couples dont break up anymore, one just acts like an asshole till the other person cant take it anymore".

Sorry guys I couldnt also find the writers of this quotes,I think it happens to be a random quote from different people....meh who knows

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