True fact-9

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"Remembering your past is like taking back your ex, but rememebring your future is like been in paradise....."

"No matter what I wont cry for you to come back once you loose me you loose me no turning back".

"When I think about the moments have I had with you I feel like having it all over and over again, but when I think about the fights have had with you it disgusts me".

"Be happy even when everything aroumd you is sad once you are happy everything around you is happy".

"Okay lets be real,have you ever wondered why everyone cares about you, even when you dont give the fuck about them, let me tell you the reason why; without you they will be nothing".

"If I smile, I smile,if I frown i frown if i cry I cry you aren't the boss of me".

"Things pass by, memories pass by, you will all pass by so please tell me why you are scared".

"If you ask me who do I love I will think you are desperate,so please dont ask me".

"I have nothing to hide on my phone or about my personal life, so when you see my phone on the floor n
it will do you good not to touch it".

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