Chapter 13

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I try keeping my emotions at bay as I open the door to my dorm room. Chrissy spots me and gives me a bright smile; "Madison!" She yells. I'm constantly amazed by how cheerful she is especially when she's dating someone who seems to suck the soul out of everyone around him.

"I was wondering If you wanted to come with me to my tattoo appointment?" she asks with a warm smile.

"Of course I will." I return her smile.

"let's go then." She says before grabbing her keys off of her desk.

"Where were you so late anyway? You're always in our dorm by like five pm." She laughs. The thought of having to tell Chrissy that I slept in Miles's bedroom terrifies me but it's not or never.

"I slept in Jacob's room, at last, I thought so . . . it was Miles's." I hesitate, her eyes turn wide before she bursts into laughter.

"Serves him right, he's so stubborn, he won't even let me go in there let alone lend me his car." She giggles.

"You're not mad?" I ask confused.

"No of course not Maddie, you're like the last person I'd expect to want anything to do with Miles.

 I see the way you two look at each other it's like a catfight waiting to happen." She laughs and I join in. As we walk towards the parking lot I'm stunned to see her car.

"I know . . . the air conditioner doesn't even work." She says before trying to open the door that seems to be glued shut.

"I wish Miles would just lend me his stupid car." She sighs.

THE NEEDLE BUZZES into her arm and I'm slightly terrified to watch.

"So what are you getting?" I ask and the tattoo artist looks at me with bloodshot eyes. Is this even safe?

"I'm getting a snake, They've just always looked so cool to me." She smiles proudly while the tattoo guy watches me once again with wide eyes. 

After what feels like twenty minutes He's finally done and Chrissy stands up in slight pain to pay the man.

"Want to go to the mall?" She asks.

"Sure." I have some time to waste. We look through almost all the stores in the mall. Before finally deciding on taking a break and getting some food.

"How was the party?" She breaks the silence.

"It was good," I say smiling, remembering Jacob's kiss.

"It really was, but I'm super hungover today," She giggles.

"and I have a double headache after Miles' shit last night." I flinch my nose before asking; "what happened?"

"He told everyone to 'get the fuck out' and me being tipsy and too tired to deal with him; I left too." She explains, rubbing her temples.

"I'm surprised he's managed to keep me around, he's gotten me flowers once in the span of us dating." She explains.

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel? My mom always said that communication is usually underrated in relationships." I smile.

"your mom sounds like a smart lady." Chrissy nods.

"Anyway, enough drama, I wanted to ask if you and Jacob would come with Miles and I to a double date next weekend?"

"Of course," I say even though Jacob probably has no clue. Both of us stand up, throwing our food away before continuing our shopping. 

Finding the perfect outfit for our double date proves to be harder than I thought. Finding something that isn't revealing is nearly impossible. 

We both grab at least eight different things before finally excitedly heading into the dressing rooms, covered by thick drapes.

 After a few minutes Chrissy calls for me to step out and even though Ii don't feel comfortable in the top I'm in, I oblige.

"that looks so pretty, you need to buy this!" She says, covering her mouth.

"I didn't know it was this revealing," I say tugging at the nude-colored top.

"It definitely isn't, the neckline isn't that low and it looks great with the nude skirt" She smiles, raising a brow at me.

"I guess you're right," I say as I look at myself in the mirror.

"I think I'll buy it."

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