Chapter 77

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"Are you sure he won't find us here?" I ask and Jacob nods before parking the car in front of his mother's house.

"I'm sure, and my mother will love to see you." He says and I smile at him before wiping away any tears that might be hiding under my eyes. 

We step out of the car and walk towards Jacob's beautiful home. I was mesmerized the first time and it hadn't changed. 

I still can't believe how beautiful the big house is. Jacob knocks a few times before opening the door himself.

"Mom?" he shouts and his mother appears out of the kitchen with a smile plastered across her face which for some reason, only makes me want to cry. 

Helen's short hair is much longer, resting right below her shoulders.

"Is everything okay?" she asks and Jacob nods.

"She needs a place to stay," Jacob informs her and she gives us both a small smile before calling to John. He rushes down the steps and greets us with a smile.

"Be a dear and get find her some covers and a pillow," Helen says with a smile and John smiles at me before rushing up the stairs.

"Help me in the kitchen?" Helen smiles and I nod, Jacob smiles, letting me it's okay and I follow his mother into the kitchen.

"You're just in time for a late night snack." She informs me and I smile at her despite the tears threatening to spill from my heavy eyes. 

Helen stirs something in a bowl which weirdly reminds me of being stuck with Miles in that cabin.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. The last thing I wanted to do was drag Jacob into this mess and now I've not only done that but I've dragged his whole family into this mess.

"Oh sweetie you don't have to be sorry for anything, I'm well aware how Miles is, it's no wonder you're hurt by his action, I can only imagine what kind of trouble he's gotten himself into now." She smiles kindly.

"What do you mean?"

"Miles is known for his reputation with girls, he sleeps with them and leaves them, I'm just hoping it wasn't as ugly in your case."

"No . . . I—"

"I don't want to upset you, and I'm sorry if I have, but Miles is not someone you should be wanting a future with." She says and I nod through the tears.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask and she points me in the direction of the hallway. I nod and my feet slowly take me there. I open the heavy door to a beautiful white bathroom. 

I look at myself in the mirror and I can't help but burst into tears. Everyone knows; everyone knew what he was like. And yet, I fell for it—I fell for his stupid trap. I'm just like Chrissy, I'm experiencing everything she has and everything I've done. 

I sob quietly into a perfectly made towel, the last thing I need is Jacob coming to check on me, I've already caused enough trouble.

"Madison?" I hear Jacob's sweet voice calling through the door but I can't move. It only makes me sob louder. I stand up and wipe the tears away before slowly opening the door.

"I'm sorry," I say and he scans my face and the tears that ruined my mascara.

"Madison." He looks at me with sadness all over him.

"Maybe you should rest for the night." He whispers.

"What about your—"

"My parents can deal with a late-night snack on their own, let me help you to bed." He says, taking my hand in his and leading me up the stairs slowly. 

I watch my feet as I walk slowly up the stairs and on the white carpet upstairs.

"You can sleep here." He opens the door to a small room with perfectly made covers and a soft-looking pillow. I nod at him and he gives me a small smile before walking towards the door.

"Jacob?" I whisper and he turns his head to me.

"Can you . . . can you stay with me?" I almost burst into tears. I know it's wrong but after having been in a relationship with him I still feel close to him.

"Are you sure—" I nod, stopping him from finishing. He gives me a small nod back before closing the door behind him and taking off his shirt.

"You can use this." He smiles and I nod. I put the shirt on and with it comes the familiar smell of Jacob but all I can think about is the way Miles' shirt smells. 

Jacob has a sweet cologne while Miles' is spicier with a hint of sweetness. Jacob lies down on the bed and I join him. The lights are shut off and the room is darker than the night sky.

"Jacob?" I ask as we both lie there, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah?" his surprisingly raspy voice replies.

"Thank you for helping me, you really should be. I hurt you so much and here you are—"

"I told you, I'm fighting for you for as long as I can." He says and I look into his blue eyes.

"I hope you do because I know . . . I know Miles and I don't belong together."

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