Chapter 49

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The smell of coffee hits my nostrils as my feet finally manage to take my downstairs. The blender goes off and I cover my ears at the sound.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Jacob says but I shake my head. For a split second I think it's the morning but looking out the window makes me realize it must be late.

"Here." He says with a smile, handing me a large plastic cup filled at the top with coffee and ice cubes.

"Thanks." I smile before putting on the sweater Miles loaned me.

"Oh, I—" I start but he clenches his jaw.

"it's okay."

I quickly take it off. My head still feels a little foggy but at least now I can move my body without wanting to faint.

"How are you feeling?" he asks and I nod.

"I'm better."

"We should get going." He says coldly but I nod. I sip my coffee slowly as I bite at the straw.

"I'm—" I start but Jacob quickly interrupts.

"You don't have to say it." He says and I gulp.

"I'm sorry, I just—" He starts.

"I understand." I smile. The snow starts falling lightly onto the ground and we hurry out of the home and into Jacob's red Ferrari.

The lonely road ahead stares right at me and I can't help but think about everything that happened.

"How is Chrissy feeling?" I ask, my stomach churning as I wait for an answer.

"She's fine." He stares at the small 'stop' sign that greets us.

"I need to stop for gas." He says as we reach the same gas station I went to. I take a deep breath and give him a nod.

"You coming?" He asks right after opening my car door.

"Yeah." I simply say before grabbing tightly onto my coffee cup.

"Grab some snacks for us, I'll be quick." He says and I nod. I look at the darkness around me before my feet slowly take me into the same gas station. The memory of being there just hours ago hasn't settled in.

The same man is still there, smoking away the cigarette.

I brush my hair over my face, trying my best to avoid him. I open the door and the sound of a small bell rings through my ears. I travel through a few isles before grabbing two bottles of water and some pre-made sandwiches.

I look at Jacob who's too far away. I take a deep breath before heading over to the cashier only to notice that Hayden is right there, talking to the cashier. He looks at me but I look away before he can get a glimpse. I put everything back before attempting to head towards the door.

"Going somewhere?" his disturbing voice asks and shivers run through my whole body. I turn around and my lips part to say something but I can't find the words.

"You're not going anywhere." His friend says and my heart starts to beat faster. My breath gets deeper and the hair on my body stands up.

They back me into a small corner of the store and I try to make eye contact with the cashier but he doesn't seem to care. I want to scream but I can't, nothing comes out. My stomach has turned into liquid and my body feels useless.

My eyes glance at Jacob who is still far away and out of reach. His grey eyes are intimidating and I find the sound coming out of his voice inaudible. My eyes close and I'm ready to collapse but the familiar sound of a door opening seems to grab me back into reality.

"Hayden!" Jacob yells loud enough for the two to back away from me. Jacob grabs Hayden by the collar, punching his stomach as hard as he can. Hayden grunts in pain but his eyes don't leave mine.

"Hey! Don't hurt my son!" The old man's voice approaches.

"Back off!" Jacob says but as soon as the man grabs harshly onto his shoulder, Jacob pushes him onto some of the groceries.

"We're taking these," Jacob states to the cashier as he holds onto some snacks.

"Let's get the hell out of here." He says to me, grabbing my hand as we run towards the car.

Hayden's friend starts chasing after us but he's too late. I look at him getting smaller in the side-view mirror.

"Chips?" he asks and I giggle before opening the chip bag. My mind travels to the road trip Jace and I took on my birthday. I almost want to cry, I miss him too much to be away from him and my mom for this long.

"I'll drop you off at the parking lot." He states as we get closer to WSU.

"Okay," I say, my voice low.

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