Chapter 43: Sadness

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"Mmm! This ramen is so delicious, Kirishima!"

Mina exclaimed as she enjoyed the flavor of the ramen you and Eijiro made. Asui nodded in agreement, they all seemed to like it. You smiled at their reactions the moment they started eating the noodles. You were glad since the ramen you made was your Mother's recipe.

You were all sitting in one long table and you sat next to Kirishima who was on the second chair on the left. He was the only one who you could talk to so you chose to sit close to him. You looked at Bakugo who was silently enjoying his meal, he looked kinda cute when he eats.

"Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Actually, Y/N and I cooked it together but it was her who did most of the work." Your smile turned into a frown when all of their faces became blunt as if they didn't know what to say. Their eyes stared at the floor not bothering to look at you.

Kirishima finally realized what he's done as he let out a sigh, "C'mon guys, it's all over now. Let's be friends again, with Y/N of course." He recieved no response. You bit your lower lip before hiding your grim expression into a gentle one, "It's okay, Eijiro. I'm going to my room now."

You smiled before placing your plate on the sink as you made your way to your room. You stopped on your tracks behind a wall when you overheard their conversation.

"We just don't know, Kirishima. I mean, she lied to us for three months. And she's an undercover, her father is All For One, and she's a villain. How could we forget all about that?"

You felt like the world has shattered into pieces when Kaminari spoke. It hurt but the truth has always been painful for someone like you. You had to endure all of it and move on to your new path. Instead, you were still stuck in the past. The past where darkness consumed you.

"Correction, she was an undercover. He father was All For One, and she was a villain. She changed her goal now, she wants to be like us, she wants to be a hero. If you're truly her friends, then why can't you accept any of that? Friendship is way powerful than you think but I guess it hasn't come up to you guys yet."

You appreciated Eijiro for defending you with his determination. He was really thoughtful and he was pure, you couldn't believe you were friends with him even after what you just did.

"Bakugo, you're her friend, aren't you? She just saved you! She saved all of us!" You could hear the sound of a chair sliding and you watched as Bakugo walked to his room. You stayed hidden and continued eavesdropping on them.

"Sorry, Kirishima. We just don't think the same way..." You could feel your heart stopped beating. Your eyes remained wide as you placed your hand on your chest. This was expected but you couldn't handle your emotions. All of what you did wasn't enough after all.

Maybe I should've just stayed in prison...

You didn't want to hear more so you quicky ran straight to your room. It was dark and only the moon illuminated the whole place. You sat leaning on the door while you placed your head against your knees. Warm tears escaped from your eyes as the sound of your sobs were slowly getting loud. You silenced yourself as you let the tears fall from your cheeks.

I never should've went back here... I should've just let them lock me up... I never should have talked to All Might in the first place... I was wrong, I don't know how to make it up to them and gain their trusts again. I never should've accepted that hell of a mission... I wish I was never Dad's daughter...

You continued crying alone in your dark room with the moon accompanying your sadness. The doors of the balcony were slightly open, because of that, you felt cold. Not long after, you heard the sounds of the rain. Everything around you suited your mood completely. Literally.


"Which room should we go next?"

"I don't think we should go to Y/N's..."

"Alright! Then let's head on to Yaoyorozu's!"

The class were having a little contest and Sato ended up winning. Both Midoriya and Kirishima were really worried about you. Your classmates haven't talked to you yet and Bakugo kept ignoring you. It was awful and they knew how you would feel right now. Of course, you're probably lonely and guilty after what you've done.

You knew it will be hard for you to bring things back to normal and you would accept everything they say. But you were not strong enough to handle it all, you tried your best to endure it but sadness already took over you.

The day already passed until it was time for the classes to start again. They were about to go outside and head to the school but they noticed you weren't there with them.

"Where's Y/N? I thought she's coming back?" Sero asked while taking a quick look at all of them before they head out. Kirishima and the others checked too and you really weren't there.

"You're right, she isn't here. In fact, I haven't seen her come out from her room this morning." Midoriya uttered.

"Should we go to her room? Classes will start soon." Uraraka said. Worry were written all over their faces while Bakugo just put on his usual grim expression. But deep inside, he was worried too. Something might have happened to you and he wished nothing did.

"I'll come with you, Ochaco-chan." Asui said before they both headed to your room. When they finally reached your door, they exchanged glances before knocking it.

"H-Hello? Y/N, class is about to start. Are you still preparing?" Uraraka spoke in a nervous tone while gently knocking the door twice but recieved no answer. The two girls looked at each other as they knocked the door harder for you to hear but they heard nothing. It was completely silent.

"Tsu, let's just open the door. It's not locked after all." The frog girl nodded before they slowly opened your door only to see a messy room. The curtains were ripped off and the bedsheets were scattered. The pillows were on the floor and your clothes were everywhere. The frames were broken and so did the mirror. You're room was a whole mess, what happened to you?

They trailed their eyes to the floor as it grew wide when they saw your unconscious body laying there.

"Y/N!" They exclaimed in unison as they sat on their knees trying to wake you up but it was no use. "Ochaco, quick! Ask them for help!" Tsu said in shock before Uraraka headed back to them.

"Guys! It's Y/N! She's on the floor and she's not waking up!" They were all shocked and all of a sudden, Bakugo ran away from them as he rushed his way to your room. He froze when he saw you with closed eyes while Tsu was shaking your body to wake you up but it didn't work.

It reminded him of that night when he was on the air with Kirishima and the others as he watched you close your eyes. He felt like the world came to an end and he was desperate on bringing you back with him. Without any hesitation, he headed to you as he wrapped his arms around your small figure.

"Y/N... Y/N, wake up! Wake up! Fucking wake up!" The others arrived not too long as they watched the scene in front of them. They panicked and they were extremely worried of you. They stood there and froze, they didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Aizawa... Anybody! Get Mr. Aizawa, fast!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed before Iida and Ojiro went out of the building and quickly ran their way to their classroom. They didn't care about the people around them, their priority is you and you only.

They quickly opened the door to see their teacher leaning on the wall while reading a folder. He turned his gaze to the both of them and panicked when they spoke.

"Mr. Aizawa! Y/N... she's not waking up!"

~1407 words~


Trust;  bakugo x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz