Chapter 74: Boyfriend?!

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That was the only thing in your head. No memories, no thoughts, no inner voices. Just... it's a whole big blank space. It was new to you, having nothing to think about now that you've lost it all.

You didn't know anybody, even yourself. Losing memories was way terrible than you expected. It's like you just started a whole new life and it began with a big question mark in your head. Asking questions that was so common, but to you, it meant asking about your whole life and who you were once then.

But you weren't the only one who was suffering. What about those people who really cared about you? Who stayed with you? Who protected you? Who loved you? They were hurting as well and you were too naive to even know how they felt. Well, how should you know? You forgot about them, remember?

Even if people say it's natural to feel like this whenever you got amnesia, it ruined everything about your life that made you despise yourself even more. What did you do to lose it all? Why did you do it? Why were you so stubborn instead of saving your own life along with your memories? What made you do something that you knew would risk your own?

What did you do?

There was a lot to think about. But for now, you just had to sit it out. Staring blankly through the car window, raindrops falling as fast as how you lost your whole life. It surprised you to see rain outside when after you just woke up, the weather was as clear as day.

The world sure was mysterious as well as the past you. You just wanted to know everything but you were too afraid that it'd be too much for you to handle. Scared that maybe there were awful moments in your life that you didn't want to remember at all. Right now, you just wanted to hear happy memories coming from those people who walked beside you during your journey.

Now, you were not sure if they're walking with you at this exact moment.

"We're here," Said the man who was your adoptive father. At the very first time you met him, he didn't look like a real father at all. And as time passed, you wondered how your relationship with him was. Was it healthy? Was it nice? Or was it bad or blunt?

Your door was opened by the skinny toned man who had yellowish blonde hair. His tiny blue pupils in his eyes were pretty intimidating at first but you figured, he was a nice guy. People even mentioned he was the former number one hero, so of course, he was good and he fought for justice until the end.

A small smile crept up your face as you got out of the car, now facing a large building that seemed to be the place where you stayed before the incident. The name, 'Class 1-A' was what caught your attention, now wondering if it was some sort of a school dorm.

Aizawa had gotten out from the car either, glancing at his brand new daughter. He had been feeling doubtful for letting you go in such a dangerous mission of your own. You didn't even ask for his permission, but he was still feeling bad for himself. He was your father, he was supposed to know about your studies and your safety. And right after having you as his own, he just lost one of a parent's virtues in a flash of lightning.

You almost flinched when suddenly, the younger blonde who was one of your classmates stormed out of the car and abruptly walked to the establishment. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his head was low as if looking for worms on the ground. One of the things you noticed was how much emotions his eyes showed while walking away.

It was like a mix of sorrow, madness, disappointment, and grim. Right after you got discharged from the hospital, he didn't say any word, almost like he was invisible the whole time and you couldn't help but wonder why. You didn't do anything that offended him this day, so why was he acting... rude?

Trust;  bakugo x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora