Chapter 77: Emotions

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Terror, heartbreak, anxiousness, grief. All those emotions mixed up sounds like a whole blizzard of tornado in your mind and that was what's going on inside of you.

The gloomy weather and light rain almost perfectly defined the feelings you had in your heart at that time. Even though you didn't know anything about the past and about your parents, why did it hurt? After hearing the truth from someone who said was your old friend, you ended up running away and head straight back to the dorms.

You even forgot about the other girls who were now half beat up due to their fight with some hopeless villain who was chasing that poor woman. But you didn't care. What was important was your past. You had a goal to learn everything about your history and that includes your relationship with your parents.

But even though you had completely forgotten about the same pain you felt before, you were still hurting. Now, you just wanted answers.

Hard steps almost vibrated the ground while walking to the dorms on your own. The raindrops falling swiftly on your hair, clothes, and your whole body, keeping you from getting dry. For other people around you, Sunday was a day they enjoyed. Sadly for you, it was a very bad day.

After surprisingly about seven minutes, you finally arrived. You kept the frown on your face and didn't even hesitate to get inside. Slamming the door open, everyone inside came surprised after seeing you soaked and a not so good expression on the face.

You didn't even pay attention to your classmates wen you walked your way to your dad's office, even that blonde, Bakugo. When he saw you looking like an extremely mad titan worried him a lot and curious why you were like that anyway. But it had nothing to do with him so why would he care? You were not the Y/N he fell in love to, anymore, so why should he feel worried about you?

She's probably figured something from the past. Doesn't matter. I don't care. I don't...

"Dad!" You shouted as soon as you roughly opened the door causing the onyx eyed man slowly lift his head up in exhaustion. He was just in a middle of his paperwork that definitely had something to do with you. In fact, he was really curious about it ever since they did a quick identity test on you back at the hospital.

"What is i--"

"Where is he?" This time, he focused on you with a raised eyebrow, surprise of your deep cold tone of voice. He thought who you were referring to but after metaphorically seeing the story in your eyes, he already had his answer making him frustrated.

Even though he already got it, he still looked oblivious so you spoke again, "You know who I'm talking about. My father. Where is he? I want to talk to him!"

"Who told you? Was it that irrational Bakugo--"

"Don't change the subject!" He got irritated when you cut him off without showing off some manners. Then he knew, it was the first time he had a 'family' fight with you and he was just confused either it was good or bad. Obviously, it was bad but still, it felt right to have normal fights every once in a while. I know, weird, right? But that's just how he felt.

"It's better not to talk about him."

"Why?!" This time, you yelled getting frustrated of the situation you were in. Like I said, you were still feeling pain even though it wasn't the same as the one you felt before. Even though you didn't know the whole story, actually, you did because someone told you so. He was pretty helpful and annoying at the same time.

What was his name again? Was it Doki? Dacchi? Dobe?

"It's complicated and something bad will probably happen if you continue acting like this. So, starting now, as your father, we will not be speaking about this matter ever again." He spoke calmly with hints of irritation as he got up and furrowed his brows the way dads normally do.

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