Chapter 1 - The Train Station

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My memories... Yeah no, I have none.

Well, all I really remember is my name, which is the only sure thing I know. So hi!I'm Oliver Heart, and that's all I can tell you because I have no goddamn clue where I come from or how the hell I got here.

So yeah, this is great, I'm in this train station, surrounded by these people who look at me like I'm an idiot for asking them where I am. I mean c'mon I could have fallen asleep on a train for all I know, but no, they couldn't care less and now I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing here.

The train station by the way only has one track. One. So, I'm without a plan and ready to start crying because I'm lost. Don't judge me okay! How would you feel if you woke up not knowing anything!? WAIT- WAS I ABDUCTED?! IS THAT IT?!?... No, I can't be. There's no way they would have kept me as long as this. I don't understand a thing... Just what the hell is going on here?

C'mon keep it together, Oliver! You have to take a deep breath and think! What do I do?! My pockets... There's got to be something useful in them! After searching through them, the only possessions I found was a phone; which is fantastic! Except, I can't remember the damn password. Just well-done Ollie, well-done... Oh, and that's a nice wallet, except it legit only has 25 quid in it and some points cards that, let's be honest, I don't need my memories to know I never used any of them.

Looking around, I've realised the train station isn't like anything I could have ever imagined, but there's something off about it that I can't quite put my finger on. It feels old, no, more than that, it feels ancient. Along with the tracks, I've noticed several modern-day shops dotted around the old stone walls that have been covered in vines. I couldn't help but think there was something beautiful about this place, yet something about it unsettled me. Sure I wasn't alone in this place, there were other people waiting patiently with their family, friends, or even their pets. But I couldn't shake the feeling that they weren't really there.... Listen, it's hard to explain, but I just can't shake this strange feeling.

As I took in my surroundings I noticed a fast food restaurant to my left, and a café to my right. After some consideration, I decided to start walking to the café, stopping on my journey to ask an elderly couple when the next train would be arriving. They turned to me as they explained, "ours will come when it due to come to us." Did that piss me off? Yes. Were they being sarcastic? Scary enough... No. They were deadly serious when they said it, and they had a kind smile on their faces. All I could do was thank them before asking where the train goes, thinking they had to know something at least.

Their faces fell after I finished asking. "We don't know lad, just see where it takes you," they replied. Panic started to set in as I began to freak out: Where will I end up? How the hell do I get home?! Where even is my home?!? Where's my family?!?! I felt tears beginning to burn my eyes, desperately wanting out because the frustration was unbearable by this point. I wanted too many answers and I had no clue where to even start searching for them. I'd never felt so alone.

I was walking too fast, trying to escape my emotions, I hadn't even realised I was charging right into a scolding hot drink until it was too late. Great, just was I needed to keep me warm in this freezing station...

I found myself focusing on a pair of black trainers to try to block out the pain as I waited for it to pass. Yet, just my luck, I was somehow still bloody freezing! As the pain subsided, I slowly removed my eyes from the black trainers up to black jeans- Wow, this person must love black- which was topped off with a red Levi's shirt and black hoodie. But my observations wouldn't stop there! It was those eyes I found myself being drawn too. Behind the dark strands of hair, bright piercing green eyes had met my own mild blue.

.... All I could think was, 'you're fucking breathtaking.'

He just smirked.  Thanks sweetheart your quite the looker yourself.

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