Chapter 4 - Interrogation With Atlas

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(Oliver POV)

He's my hero. My saviour. My worries have been put to rest because Atlas definitely has everything under control. Well, except maybe the fact that I'M HANDCUFFED TO A BLOODY CHAIR!!

"Ollie, you're doing it again," Atlas grumbled, sighing softly as he was in the same situation as me. It felt like we were waiting a century for this weirdo guard to return. I glance at Atlas, watching as his hair covered his face as he looked down with his eyes closed. "Hey! I have every right to speak my mind! You got us into this mess!" I snapped at him, he didn't have any right to sit here sulking. "If it makes you feel any better, technically we aren't  arrested, we're being questioned for suspicious behaviour," he pointed out. Like that was any better. I swear, if my hands were free I would have smacked his head to knock some sense into him. We both drift off into silence as we go off into our own thoughts...

Well, actually there was a slight sound, my eyes widened as I registered what it was. "Seriously?! You're humming Let it Go?!" I gasped in disbelief. We're in this mess, and he's bloody singing along to Disney songs!? His eyes open and he turned to me, smirking, "what? Would you rather I hum Love is an Open Door?" To be fair, it was hard to stay serious when he talked like that, but I never had the chance to respond as the door was thrown open.

"Damn... Keep the door closed, I'm just not feeling the love, I'm afraid you aren't my type." Admittedly I couldn't help but laugh. I soon fell silent as the guard stormed up to me, his face like thunder as he grabbed me by my hair, yanking it back until I was looking at him. "Why don't you tell me what's so funny? Or how about you explain to me why you two brats were loitering around my door. You couldn't have looked anymore suspicious." His voice was cold as he sharply pulled my hair harder at each word he uttered. I felt my eyes fill up with tears, whimpering in pain as it felt like he was prepared to rip the hair from my head.

A loud bang rang throughout the room as Atlas had suddenly stood up from his chair, causing it to go crashing to the floor. "Aren't we just two scoops of grumpy in a bowl of bitch today?" He snapped, "now don't get me wrong, I'm a little hurt you've forgotten about me over here. But I regret to inform you that I don't have the time, nor the crayons to help your toddler brain process how pathetic you look right now hurting an innocent kid. You disgust me. Lay your hands off him before I do something we'd both regret." My eyes widen in shock, although I felt relief wash over me as the guard's grip on my hair loosened, but I fought the urge to cover my nose as the stench of his sweat finally got to me.

He loudly cursed before charging at Atlas, but despite this he looked calm. He almost looked relieved that the guard had finally left me alone. "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART DON'T YOU?!" The guard roared in his face as he got close to him. I find myself silently praying that he doesn't say anything stupid. I pleadingly look at him, trying to get my thoughts through to him, and he looks at me... Wait... Did I just see him smile at me or was I imagining it? Atlas' face soon scrunched up in disgust, "for fuck sake mate, even I'm smart enough to know what a shower is. Have you and your cavemen brethren not discovered that yet? I highly recommend that you use one, for the sake of my poor nose." 

"... Atlas, why are you like this?" I weakly asked him as I sighed.

"Not a clue! But I'm going to blame it on bad parenting!" He replied back cheerfully... Did he forget about the guard glaring at him with murderous intent? Then all hell broke loose as the guard grabbed Atlas, violently dragging him over to the chair in the middle of the room across from the desk, slamming him down onto it. I struggled in my cuffs, screaming and pleading for the guard to stop. But it fell on deaf ears as he had clearly made up his mind. I'd never felt fear like this, I didn't want him to get hurt.

My blood runs cold at the sight in front of me; Atlas' hands had been tied behind him as he sat on the chair. The guard was absolutely livid, pulling out a bat before holding his head against the table so he couldn't move, "listen here, brat. Drop that cocky attitude of yours or you will live to regret it." My mouth felt as dry, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't force any words out. I wanted to beg Atlas to stay silent. To just do what he wanted to make it out of this in one piece. But Atlas just smirked, shifting out of the guards grip, a cocky grin played across his lips, "now why would I do that? You just tried to threaten me and you touched Oliver, you egotistical douchbag." The guard roared with rage as he raised his bat to swing it at the boy. I screwed my eyes shut, screaming in fear. I dreaded opening my eyes, I didn't want to see the sight that would be waiting for me. But when I finally worked up the courage to look, I was greeted with an unconscious guard and Atlas, who was now laughing hysterically.

Deep down, I was incredibly relieved he was okay... I didn't know why, but it felt like I have known him for a very long time l. I just couldn't remember how. But at the same time I was stunned "WHAT THE HELL ATLAS!?" My outburst only set him off more as he laughed even harder, "relax sweetheart, he fell over and knocked himself out. It truly was a beautiful sight." He continued to chuckle as he stood up, his handcuffs falling to the ground with a clang as he proudly twirled a paper clip in his fingers. "Do I even want to ask how you learned to do that?" I asked in wonder as I stared at him in awe.

"Nope," he replied simply, still spinning the paper clip as he walked over to me, slipping the clip into the lock and freeing my hands. He turned back to the guard, a mischievous look crossing his face as he grabbed one of the handcuffs, cuffing the guard to the desk.

Either way, the guard was going to be here for a while. He might as well get comfy.

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