Chapter 12- Boarding Our Own Train

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Atlas POV)

I was nervous, yet I couldn't contain my excitement. From Oliver's expression; I knew he felt the same way. Both of our tickets were here. Ollie remembered everything, right up to the car crash to appearing here. We pause as we heard a familiar sound. The sound of a train. We both sprint out the control room towards the tracks as fast as we could through the noise and the sound of a train horn bellowing.

As we arrive we are greeted with an unusual sight; a train. How could it have gotten in here with the walls blocking the tracks? I look around in disbelief, everyone else going on with their day like the train wasn't even here... Although I suppose they weren't really people, they were ghosts. Just like us. I shake my head, returning to the task at hand as I look over at Ollie, watching his eyes widen in childish amazement. I'd almost forgotten how much he loved trains. Key word: almost.

He excitedly tugs on my arm to grab my attention. "Atlas, what do we do? Do we board it?" He asked as I look down at Ollie, honestly unsure myself. Oliver soon speaks up again, suggested, "maybe we should wait to see if anyone else boards it." I shake my head, already knowing the answer to that. "I don't think they're ready Ollie. I think it's for us," I state as he tilted his head in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean? The train's right there." I sigh sadly as I try to make him understand, "Ollie these people aren't ready to board. Not all of their loved ones are here yet. They probably can't see it because it's not meant for them, it's for us." Although I wasn't completely of this myself, there wasn't any other explanation I could think of. Hell, I've never died before, so what the fuck do I know?

I grab Ollie's hand and squeeze it gently in hope to reassure him. I look over to him, tugging for him to follow me towards the train. Who knew how long it would wait for us? He walks by my side, looking at the crowds of people guiltily. "Oliver stop feeling guilty... A train will come for them one day, and they'll be just as happy as we were when they're reunited with their loved ones," I pointed out, "plus, they'll be as confused as we were it. Hopefully it won't take them long to figure out what the fuck's happening," I say in an attempt to lighten the mood.

He just smiles and hooks his arm within mines, hugging my jacket closer to him. "I guess it's time to see where this train takes us" he says as he tried to hype himself up. I nudge him, "maybe it'll take us wherever we want to go, wherever we both decide to live." he looks up at me excitedly "seriously?!?" His eyes light up, "could it take us to a fantasy world where we have awesome powers and a amazing house?!?" At this point I had to laugh, "who knows, love? It might actually happen." I say as we reach the front of the train.

We glance at each other, as we approach the train door. "To think, even in death I'm still standing next to the one I love," I say happily. He smiles gently at that, "the same goes for me, as long as I'm next to you I'll always be happy."

"Are you ready to board this train to the unknown?" I ask, kissing his cheek.

"Ah long as we're always together?"

We both smile as I reply,


With that we step onto the train together. Even in death as we go to an unknown destination; we remained happy and together.

Like always

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