Chapter 7- Olivers Train Ticket

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(Oliver POV)

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away sleep as the dark room came into focus, taking in the rows and rows of cabinets. I sat up, startled when I realised there was one thing I couldn't see; Atlas. I rushed to my feet, frantically searching the room, my eyes widening when I finally found Atlas laying unconscious on the floor next to fallen tickets. "ATLAS!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I shouted in fear, running to him, trying desperately to get a response from him as I shook him. "WAKE UP!!!"

His arm moved slightly, trying to swat me away. Thank god... I don't know what I would have done if he didn't... No, I can't think of that. He shifts uncomfortably, groaning as his eyes open, his green eyes staring into my blue. Silence followed before Atlas' tired brain seemed to remember he could talk, "well... I could get use to this sight waking up." He winks at me and I feel anger swelling up. He was just unconscious!! "What the hell happened to you?! He blinks in confusion, still looking dazed. "That's a good question actually..." He looked over at the fallen tickets, realisation dawning on his face, "... don't touch those. They'll literally take you a trip down memory lane."

"Really!? Does that mean you remember how you got here?!" I asked him, becoming increasingly nervous as I waited for his answer. He stared into space, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to find the words. "Oliver Heart..." he began, pausing briefly before speaking again, "we've actually met before and you wouldn't believe it! We spent all of our time together!" he tells me, staring at me as he watched for a reaction. What? What was that supposed to mean?? "What happened? What do you remember? I want to know everything," I demanded as he laid his head on my lap to get comfortable; and so he did.

"So... The last thing you remember was us driving away together before complete darkness?" I asked after he told me his story of him coming to me to get away from his foster family, and from me running to him to get away from my controlling and abusive mother. Every moment we had spend together; Atlas detailed it all so perfectly that I envied him, because even through the bad stuff, getting to spend time with him sounded truly amazing...

"Yeah... We were running away together, I got a new job in a garage and you had gotten accepted into a nearby university... It was pitch black when I was driving then there was nothing..." He trails off, sitting back up, not able to meet my eyes. "I feel so guilty and I don't even remember what for," he stated, sounding like whatever it was really was eating away at him.

"Listen to me, even if you don't remember what happened after you were driving this is still so much progress!" I said in a determined tone. "You really remembered all of this just from touching your train ticket?" I double-checked. He just rubbed his head like he was trying to sooth an ache, "pretty much... But the weird thing is, I couldn't find yours." This time I didn't answer him, silence filling the room. Why didn't I have a ticket? Was I never getting out of here? My eyes widened as a forbidden thought crossed my mind; was Atlas going to leave me here?

"Never." He said abruptly, causing me to jump as I looked up at him. Even without my memories, hearing Atlas' story made so much sense. How else would I have instantly connected with him? I've never done that with anyone. Yet, somehow I trust him with my life. Even back at the interrogation room where I thought that guard was going to kill him, I'd never felt pain like that.

I'm snapped back out my thoughts when Atlas suddenly stood up, dusting himself off. He looks over at me and smiles cheekily, "you know, my jacket looks good on you. But just for the record, if it gets cold I'm having it back." It took me a few seconds to realise what he meant, my face soon heating up when it clicked. I had accidentally put his jacket on. Despite that, I still somehow found the confidence to look at him with puppy dog eyes. Yes, I have no shame.

"Stop that." He huffed, turning away from me. I step back in his line of sight, hugging the jacket closer to me in response. I didn't even need to say that he wasn't getting it back anytime soon. He just groaned, turning his head away once more, "alright, alright, just stop with the look." I smiled in satisfaction, smugly holding onto my prize.

"Are we going now?" I asked as I jogged to catch up with him. His eyes lit up as he turned to me, saying one word;


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