Chapter 9 -Dead End

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(Atlas POV)

Of course it's a fucking dead end! "Surprise, surprise..." I mutter. This place is really getting on my nerves. Where am I? Scotland? Florida? Hell, for all I know we could be in the middle of the jungle somewhere and I'd have no idea because I'm stuck in a freaky train station that doesn't have an exit and has freaky voodoo train tickets. This is great.

I curse inside my head. Ollie is just laying on the tracks, not moving or saying anything. I walk over to him, leaning over him, his eyes remaining firmly closed. "Look on the bright side; at least we can't get hit by a train," I tell him, trying to remain positive. Needless to say, it didn't help. He just opened his eyes, sadly looking into mine, "great... That's really reassuring that everything is gonna be okay." I can't help but love it when he's sarcastic, rolling my eyes in response, "there's no point in mopping around. We need to keep going," I tell him, grabbing his hand to help him up, but he still refuses to move. "What's the point? We might as well stay here, it's not like a train will run us over or anything" he spits out... The sass on this boy, I swear.

"The pity party is over Oliver," I sternly tell him as I began to drag him by the leg. Did I get kicked? Of course I did. Did I get cursed at? Also, yes. But in the end he stood up, so the mission was a success if you ask me! He storms up to me, jabbing a finger into my chest, "you can just go to hell, you demon!" He shouted at me, causing me to snicker. "Oh honey. Where do you think I came from?" He trails off as he tried to think of something to come back with, "alright, I'll give you that one. It's accurate." We both stare at each other before bursting out laughing, walking hand in hand as we walked back from where we came from.

On our journey back to what I would probably call the 'station central.' We had begun to talk more about our past, well it was mostly me since Oliver was asking the questions. I remembered everything except from what had happened that night when we were driving in the darkness. Once we reached the exit Oliver suggested going in the other way... Why not? We've got nothing left to lose. I stop, realising other people had started looking over at us on the tracks. Oliver had to drag me away since I had began flipping them off, and needless to say; they'd become pissed.

"Hey, how much are you betting it's another dead end?" I called out as we walked. He rolls his eyes, "... and you call me the pessimistic one." As we continued travelling, I noted that this side seemed a lot further than the last, a lot darker too. Oliver fearfully holds onto my shirt as we walked further into darkness. "Urgh, why don't you use your phone torch?" He asked me. "I can't," I replied quickly, causing him to sigh, "you smashed it, didn't you?" Ah, he knows me so well. "Yeah, smashed it ten minutes after appearing in this shit hole."

"Why the hell did you do that?!" I gasped at his sudden outburst. "It wouldn't let me call you, this was before I remembered who you were!" He rubbed his eyes becoming increasingly frustrated, "why didn't you call anyone else after you tried my phone?!" I chuckle softly, "if you must know, I'm not a people person and I doubt my only other contact, which is Pizza Hut, would have answered if I wasn't ordering anything." He just rolled his eyes, "we really need to work on your people skills."

"Hell no, I cope just fine interacting with humanity," I replied, slightly satisfied with myself. He huffs, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips. "Avoiding humanity doesn't help you interact with humanity." Well, be might have had a point, but I didn't think about it as we met another wall. Oliver looked around, looking like he wanted to find a corner to cry out his frustration. "Ha, called it!" I point out before Oliver turns to me, demanding to know why I was so calm. Although, something tells me he already knew the answer.

"It's because I'm with you. I don't need to worry about these things because the one thing I worry about the most about is always with me, where I know you're safe and sound. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to climb this wall," I blurted out, grabbing the stone bricks as I try to haul myself up. "Why are you climbing the wall? it's not like it's going to achieve anything..." Oliver asked, although it was clear on his face that he was just freaking out in case I fell. "Isn't it obvious? This was put here, there should be less rocks to move at the top because it's hard to get to. So hopefully I can get over," I explain as I try to move rocks, although things couldn't go to plan as the rocks I were holding onto gave way.

Oliver had tried to shout out, but it was too late, my eyes widening in shock as I felt myself falling. Oliver reached out to me, trying to catch me, but I was too far away. My head hit the ground first and everything went black. Oliver screamed as I had stopped moving, trying to wake me back up, tears falling down as he was consumed by panic.

Oliver hadn't left my side, although it had only been a few minutes in reality, it felt like hours to him. Relief washed over his face as my eyes flickered open, but before I could speak, his lips were pressed against mines. He pulled away from me, still gripping my face as he screamed, "YOU FUCKER! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!!" He soon trailed off as the adrenaline left him, only leaving fear and sadness behind. His eyes met mines as he realised something wasn't right. There was no sarcasm. No sass. No humoured comment leaving my mouth. I was crying. He stared at me, having never seen me cry before. Even he knew it had to be bad for me to get this way...

"I know what happened that night..." I rasped out.


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