Chapter 2 - The One With Green Eyes

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Picture made by Bella_Cosplay 🙃

I was mortified, completely filled with horror at what I had just done. My face must have reflected my mood since he appeared to find the whole thing hilarious. I found myself instinctively raising my hands to my flushed face, trying to hide from the embarrassment. I should really learn to think instead before I speak.

"Yeah, I highly recommend you try that. But I am flattered that's the first thing you think about me," he stated showing me the cheekiest expression I have ever seen as he drank what remained of the hot drink, which by the way I figured wasn't coffee because I can't stand the smell of it. But never mind the name of his hot drink, I would rather know his name.

"It's Atlas, but seriously, stop saying your thoughts out loud or nothing in your life would be priv-" He's cut off, my eyes widen in realisation as I explained, "haven't I seen you before? That name seems familiar! Oh, do you know what train station this is?! Do you know me at all?!?" As I fired a thousand questions per second at him, I hadn't realised how close I was getting to Atlas. He just smiled, looking completely amused expression as his head tilted slightly to one side, "you're quite the demanding one, aren't you? Well, for starters I can't say I remember you, but maybe we did meet before. I could ask you the same thing about this station. But I'm afraid I don't know you. Well, except maybe the fact you seem to say what you're thinking without realising it... That's a very adorable trait by the way. Maybe I don't know you that well, but I'd love to get to know you more," he stated with a cocky smile once he finished.

This boy is going to be the death of me, was all that was going through my head as my face became crimson red. I felt so shy as I struggled to come up with a comeback since my mind was drawing a blank. He casually leaned against a stone pillar, swirling his half-drank cup, the thought crossing my mind that it was likely hot chocolate he was drinking. "... So, you're just as equally confused as I am," he said as he stared at the cup in his hands.

His eyes met mines once again as I asked him what he meant. He responds as he rolled his eyes, "you've just proved my point by being confused." He then chuckled softly, "I'm going to assume you don't know anything about your past except your name?" He said, although something told me he already knew my answer. "It's just like you said... All I know is my name, which is Oliver by the way. I have no idea what's going on because there's nothing in this station to tell me what the hell is happening, and no one gives me any straight answers! ... Wait, if you don't know anything either then how the hell are you so calm!?" I blurted out, my emotions getting the better of me.

I felt eyes on me as the others in the station turned to us because of my outburst. I felt my anxiety rising as I looked at the ground. I just wanted them to stop looking at me. Atlas must have noticed the change to my composure as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, quickly guiding me away from their eyes.

The smell of his cologne was strangely soothing and I soon found myself relaxing as we walked off to find a quieter place to talk. I look up at atlas as he looked around to make sure no one was nearby. Our eyes met once more as he removed his arm from my shoulders. I'm not going to pretend otherwise, I was upset when his arm left me, he was so warm despite this cold station. "Look, you're not the only one here who has no idea what's going on. But you need to stay calm, you don't know what will happen if you cause a scene. Everyone else is seems fine with it, so just blend in and wait," he told me as I felt anger bubble up, "wait for what though!?" He huffs, "do I look like I know? Maybe we'll start to remember after a while, or a train could even show up, but c'mon, freaking out isn't going to get us anywhere."

I hate to admit it, but he had a point. All we could do was wait.

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