chapter 6 - Atlas Past

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Art style and picture is done by my friend all the credit goes to her. I love her art style!

(Atlas POV)

Okay, I'll admit it: I know more than I let on, and I kept it from Oliver. I remember some things from my past... But they're things I would have rather forgotten. After I touched that stupid ticket I understood why there was no other names... There was no other names to give, I had no family. I was in foster care all of my life. Although I just remembered that there was one person who had been the most important thing in my life... How could I have forgotten?

In the flashes of memories, I remembered that back in my childhood I had moved from foster family to foster family. Either they didn't care about me, or I didn't care about them, and if it wasn't the parents, then it was the bratty other kids they debatably took care of. They made my live hell, so I simply returned the favour. Once I was old enough I fought back, one time I'd ran so fast and so far from the alcoholic man who was supposed to keep care of me, right after I had a fight with two of the other boys in the foster home. It was at this point that I decided I was done. I would rather be homeless than go through any more of this torture. So I ran, I ran and ran and ran... Until one day I somehow ran into him.

At the beginning he had pissed me off; what idiot goes walking in the woods in the middle of the night?! Hey! Don't look at me! I was running, there's a big difference! But once I got a proper look at him, everything changed. His name was Oliver. He looked slightly younger than me, and was understandably freaking out. But I couldn't help but notice a nasty bruise forming on his right eye, sealing it shut and a deep crimson cut on his lip. First thing he said to me was, "YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, YOU BASTARD!!"

"If you didn't want a heart attack then you shouldn't be out walking at this time," I told him matter-of-factly. He opens his mouth, only letting out a choked sob before breaking down completely. What the fuck am I supposed to do when a cute boy starts crying in front of me?!? "H-Hey... It's alright! Do you want food?! Would that make you feel better?! N-Nevermind, I already ate all I had! I don't know what you want me to do!" I say, feeling a bubble of panic rise up. "... I'm really sorry I ran into you?" I tell him, unsure of what else to say to him, and honestly I'm starting to think it might be my fault he's crying. It's not like I'm around people often, I don't know what to do in these situations.

"I'm not crying because of you jackass!" He hissed and I raise my hands in surrender. "You don't need to call me names y'know. I was just minding my own business and taking a nice run away from horrible people in the woods," I told him with a Innocent smile. He looks up at me as tears continued to run down his face, confused, "What do you mean there's horrible people running after you in the woods?!?" I cut him off before the tears got any worse. I didn't want to traumatise the poor guy, "details, details... All you need to know is that they're gone now. You don't have to worry," I say as I waved my hand dismissively. "So tell me, why are you crying in the middle of the woods, sweetheart?" I ask him to change the subject, kindly smiling at him. His body language immediately became guarded, as I leaned against a tree to get comfortable. My legs were killing me, I can't remember the last time I took a break. exercise really does suck.

"I hardly know you, why would I tell you anything?" he snaps. I just nod my head in understanding, he had a point. "If you say so..." I stand back up, turning away from him as I go on my way, "guess I'll see you next time, Blondie."

I hadn't gotten that far when I heard something rushing at me from behind as Oliver stumbled through the forest to catch up, grabbing the back of my shirt to stop me. "Wait!" He shouted desperately. I turn to him, raising an eyebrow as he became bashful. "... Can you help me get back to the Main Street, please? I'm lost..." He meekly said, not able to meet my eyes.

"Fine... But only if you let me crash at your place!" I told him firmly. There was no way in hell I was going back to the foster system.

He hesitates, looking unsure at allowing a stranger into his home. But he soon relents, nodding. "Deal"

That was only beginning of what I remembered; our first meeting. Yet it wasn't the only time as everything else came flooding back.

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