Zelina Vega x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

After I left Zelina's place I felt some sort of guilt, like someone was judging me from behind. But that's what to expect when you cheat on your boyfriend. I try to shake it off and head to my hotel room with my boyfriend Y/B/N. 

I open the door and sit my bag down. " Where were you? " he asks me making me jump. " I told you I was going to a friends house  " I respond " I don't believe you " he says crossing his arms. " Well I don't care whether you believe me or not " I say walking away. 

" Well you should, I'm your boyfriend and I pay for half of this stuff! " he shouts. " Yeah, and I pay the other half! and I'm YOUR girlfriend! " I shout back and slamming the door behind me as I leave the room. 

* Next Day *

I wake up and turn my alarm off. I lazily get out of bed and check my phone and see I have missed calls and messages from both Y/B/N and Zelina. I sigh and open up my phone and check Y/B/N's first. 


Can you just get over it?

Missed Call: 


I'm not in the mood Y/N

Missed Call:


Come here right now 

                                 Read 6:05am 

I sigh and ignore his messages not caring if I left him on read and check Zelina's texts.

Zelina 🥰:

Hey Y/N, whenever you have the time I would like to talk 💖

Y/N 😘: 

I'll be free in a bit 

Zelina 🥰:

See you in an hour?

Y/N 😘:

Works for me ❤

Zelina 🥰:

See you then Y/N/N 😘

Y/N 😘:

Can we meet at your place? 

Zelina 🥰:

Of course 💖

Y/N 😘:


I smile and get ready. As I go to leave I notice Y/B/N on the couch sleeping with a bottle in his hands. I sigh and leave while quietly closing the door to not wake him up. 

* At Zelina's place *

I knock on the door and it opens revealing Zelina. " Hello Gorgeous " she says winking causing me to smile. " Ya ya, just let me inside " I say " Wow tough crowd " she replies causing us both to laugh.  

" Alright, come in " she says and I walk in. " Listen, Zelina I like you a lot, but I don't want this to go anywhere while I'm with Y/B/N " I say and she nods " I understand, but I just don't want us to act like it never happened " she replies. " And we won't I just want to see if I can save my relationship with Y/B/N " I say. " And I wish you good luck with that, just keep my in your thoughts " she says and I smile. 

We both hug and I walk out the door before Zelina sends me a wink and I smile and head to my hotel room.

* Couple days later *

Me and Zelina have been hanging out more. I've tried to get along more with Y/B/N more, but I've accepted that we're not gonna work. So now I'm talking with Zelina on how I should end it with him. 

" You should just tell him straightforward, it will be less hard " she tells me and I sigh. " But maybe if I tell him it straightforward he'll freak and take it badly " I reply and she rolls her eyes. " Y/N I love you, as a friend and maybe more, and I'm telling you to just say it how it how it is " she says. 

" Okay fine " I say " Wish me luck " I say sighing. " Good luck Y/N " she says and I smile and leave. 

I open the door and look to see Y/B/N who looks mad. I gulp and ask " What's wrong? " nervously. " When were you going to tell me? " he asks " Tell you what? " I ask confused. " About you and Zelina " he says and I panic. " Listen I know you think it's bad but- " I say but am cut off. 

" It is bad! it would be one thing if you cheated on me with a guy! but you did it with a girl which makes it worse! " he shouts. " If you just let me explain- wait WHAT? how is does that make it worse?! " I shout back. " You know, I've never liked the fact that you liked girls as well, but I put up with it cause I loved you, but then you cheat on me with a girl! " he shouts.

" Wow, well first off me and Zelina never did anything after the first day, because I didn't want to lie to you, but now that I know your true feelings I wish I did " I say pissed off. " So with that you can kiss my ass goodbye! " I say and he slaps me. 

I scoff and scowl at him when suddenly the door opens and I turn around and see Zelina. " You know your door aren't very sound proof " she says and launch's herself at Y/B/N. 

She starts punching him and I try to pull her off. " Come on Zelina! " I say and she gets off. " Fine " she says and sticks her tongue out at her before taking my hand and leaving the hotel room. 

" Are you okay Y/N? " she asks me. " I'm fine, you? " I ask her and she nods " I'm fine as well " she says and I smile. We stand there in silence for a second before Zelina kisses me. I kiss back and she tangles her hand through my hair. We both pull back for air and she smiles " I guess it's okay to assume you're available? " she says and we both laugh. " I think it's safe to say that " I say " Good, cause now I can do this again "  she says and kisses me again.


I'm proud of myself 😂

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