Chapter 1: A temporary home

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A/N: 14.10.20

It's been a while, homies! But I'm back!!! Hidee is finally back on Wattpad 😎

Who's ready for this new story?


For those of you who skipped the prologue, don't 🥴🥴🥴

It'll help you understand the book much differently! Highly recommend 👌


Graduation wasn't like in the movies.

The ceremony was nowhere near as perfect or glorious as they portrayed it on screen. The cap throwing tradition wasn't as fun as we'd hope. We took them off and threw them as high up into the air as we could before they came flying back down like a group of angry crows swooping down to attack us. Plenty got hit in the face, and I was more than certain that one or two of the students would end up with a black eye. Who knew graduation could be so dangerous?

Students and families were crying, but their tears weren't dribbling off their chins like metaphorical raindrops. No, they were ugly crying. Snot and mucus trailed down their faces as they rubbed their bloodshot eyes. Girls had streaks of mascara stretched down their faces, and it only made it worse when they tried to rub it away. 

They stopped crying whenever someone came up to them with a camera in their faces. They would dab away their tears and put on a terrifying smile for the camera. Once their picture was taken, they'd continue bawling like it was the end of the world. Maybe to some, it was the end of the world. High school was over, and we were going to become 'real adults'. 

I wasn't particularly close to anyone in my school, but I knew that I'd miss a lot of them. Like the cafeteria lady with the hairy mole on her chin. I think I'll miss her the most, she was always nice to me and made Russian jokes that I never understood. I assumed they were jokes because she would start laughing hysterically by herself, so I'd laugh along with her. I'm going to miss her snort-laughs.

I applied to a university far away from my hometown. I lived in a small town that no one really new. I wanted to move to a bigger city. 

The thought of going somewhere populated by so many people terrified me, but it also felt reassuring. My hometown was so small, everyone knew each other. But in a big city where important people have important things to do and important people to meet, it was easy to blend in and become part of the crowd. And the idea of being anonymous intrigued me. Some people wanted to become famous, others wanted to be rich; I wanted to be a nobody.

Though, I would like to make a friend in the Big City. My doctors and therapists told me that it could help me. They said friendship was a medicine that couldn't be bought; the most valuable cure that could solve problems that chemicals and pills never could.

During the summer, I traveled to Europe on my own to get away from my hometown. There was something about seeing new places and meeting new people that changes you. It reminds you that there is so much in the world to discover, too much for one person to see in a lifetime. No one can discover the mysteries of our Earth in the span of a lifetime.

I thought about all the amazing things I saw during my trip as I drove out of my hometown to the Big City, and thought how great it would be if I could one day travel with a friend. 

After a four hour drive, I made it to the apartment where I'd live for the next few months. It was located close to my university, which is why I chose it. I parked my car beside a jet black motorcycle and took out my luggage. I turned towards the building that looked like it could collapse at any moment and smiled at my new temporary home. 

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now