Chapter 17: Homophobic

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A/N: 19. 12. 2020

Hey, Homies! It's Saturday, so we have another update 🥰

What other genres do you like to read? Fantasy? Action? Adventure?


Zev and Freddie fell asleep during the second movie. I pulled a blanket over their shoulders so they wouldn't get cold. There was only one blanket. I hope they didn't mind sharing. I looked at Freddie whose head rested on Zev's shoulder, and smiled. I'm sure they wouldn't.

I wanted to see the movie's ending, but accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up, the T. V was turned off and someone had cleaned up the snacks. I looked to my right and saw that Zev and Freddie were still sound asleep, but Parker was no longer in the living room. Where did he go?

I stared blankly at nothing before finally getting up, making as little noise as possible. Zev snored, and Freddie's mouth hung open as he slept. I took a picture of them and smiled at my screen, amazed by how the digital pixels replicated reality so accurately.

For memories.

I then tiptoed out of the living room and wandered around Freddie's small apartment, wondering if Parker had left or not. The wooden floor creaked at each step I took. I found Parker sitting at the window in Freddie's room, smoking. It was dark outside, but the moon was bright.

Day or night, Parker's silhouette always seemed lonely. A cold autumn breeze came through the windows and I shivered. I thought that it'd be best to leave Parker alone. He seemed lost in his thoughts, and disturbing him would only make him scowl. I took a step back, but the wooden floor creaked under my weight, giving away my presence. Parker turned towards the door, raising his brows when his eyes might mine.

My heart fluttered, as if he had caught me peaking. I had nothing to hide, yet I felt shy.

"Good evening, Parker," I murmured. "I didn't mean to bother you."

"You haven't said anything."

"Yes, I guess I haven't," I said pensively. "But now I have."

I was about to leave until he said my name. Well, the name he had given me.

"Dandelion," he said before nodding in front if him. "Come here."

I counted up to five before joining him at the window, sitting across from him. The street outside was dark, and a stray cat ran down the parking lot.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep."

Parker took a drag from his cigarette, looking outside the window. Although, there wasn't much to look at.



"Why do you call me dandelion?"

"Because it rhymes with Conan."

I began to silently mouth the two words to find the rhyme.

"Oh." I think Parker would have been great if he studied English literature. I wondered if he ever thought about changing majors.

After a long pause, he said, "And you remind me of dandelions."

He looked at me, and a nervous pang shot through me. I could feel my heart thump against my thin chest. It almost hurt. A mix of fear, disgust, and excitement rushed through me. When Parker looked at me, he reminded me I existed, and I thought it was such a terrible power to give to someone.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ