Part 1

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Iwaizumi and Oikawa where walking to school today just like any other day. "Hey what time does our match start tonight?" Iwaizumi asked when they finally arrived at the gym for morning practice. "Oh my goodness Iwa-Chan you are the only one who always knows." Oikawa spoke dramatically as he draped himself over Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi punched him in the arm "God you are so annoying, just go get the balls." "That's what she said." Oikawa joked as he ran over to the side room to grab the volleyballs.

Practice continued as always with Oikawa flirting and being dramatic just like any other day. As practice ended Oikawa was still in the gym practicing his golden serve. "Come on Shittykawa your serves are perfect." "Aww Iwa-Chan that's so nice, but it's still not good enough." Oikawa hit another serve. Iwaizumi sent him a worried look. He had been working this hard ever sense they lost to Karasuno. Even if today was just some practice match with Nekoma he still wanted to do just as great as any other day.

When the warning bell rang out Oikawa ran to the locker room and threw on his uniform pants and shirt but very messy. He continued to run to the door but he still arrived just a little late which he usually was.

"Thank you for finally joining us Oikawa, please take your seat." The teacher said in her annoyed tone as she let Oikawa into the room. A couple of the girls look flustered at Oikawa's atire. Class continued as usual and Oikawa eventually fixed his uniform to appear more presentable.

"So which girl did you bang this morning?" Some fuck boy asked Oikawa when home room was over. "What the hell are you talking about?" Oikawa hated when that guy talked to him he always tried to set Oikawa up with more girls, ha like he needs them.

"Come on Shittykawa let's go." Iwaizumi grabbed him away from the other guy. "Thanks." "Maybe next time don't stay so late, and shower." "How mean." They continued their way to first period and soon the rest of the day when by smooth. At the end of the day they headed their way to the gym to get on the bus for the practice match.

Oikawa insisted that Iwaizumi carry him. "You know you could just walk your self." Iwaizumi said as he shifted Oikawa over his shoulder more so he was barely hanging on. "Ahhh don't drop me." "That's what you get you idiot." Iwaizumi laughed as he then started to carry Oikawa bridal style. Oikawa stretched out like a cat in this position. "You remind me a lot like a cat, maybe you should have gone to nekoma." "Iwaaa-Chann." The rest of the team didn't even bat a eye at the scene as they tended to always act this way.

On the 4 hour long bus ride there Oikawa and Iwaizumi sat together listening to American rock music and eventually Oikawa fell asleep against Iwaizumi's shoulder. 'God Shittykawa how the hell do you always fall asleep with this music.' Iwaizumi thought to himself as he rested his head against Oikawa's head and scrolled through his phone.

Everyone was torturing Iwaizumi cause they all know he would never get up and disturb a sleeping Oikawa.

Soon they arrived at nekoma and Iwaizumi woke up Oikawa the sleeping demon "God Oikawa clam down." "Why the hell did you wake me, it was a good dream." "We are here flattykawa." "I ain't even flat uh stupid Iwa." "Wow such a great come back." They continued their bickering until they lined up next to nekoma.

"Thank you for coming today." Kuroo said as everyone took a bow. "Thank you for having us." Oikawa spoke as their team bowed.

The two teams headed into the locker rooms and stared to get changed into their jerseys. They headed out into the gym where a couple of people were in the stands, some parents, or friends cheering on their respective teams.

They started the game and Kenma did his usual smart plays but Oikawa used his serve and his smarts to his advantage. Aoba Johsai won the first and Nekoma the second. The score was 23 : 23 in the final round whoever got the next point would get the advantage and for Aoba Johsai's luck it was Oikawa's time to serve.

Oikawa was doing his usual set up when he heard some girl yell out to Iwaizumi "Good Luck." 'Who the hell is that girl, maybe a cousin. No, he would have told me.' Oikawa thought to himself. He was running out of time though and had to serve the ball but his anger was over coming him and he over hit the ball, it had great power but went over the back line.

The point was awarded to Nekoma and Oikawa was in shock. He messed up the serve he has been trying so hard to master.

Soon the game ended with a smooth play by Kenma that no one saw coming. Oikawa apologized to everyone in the team after the game and headed into the locker room. He got changed quickly and headed outside.

The team knew that Oikawa always got like this no matter how many mistakes the team makes he feels that every thing was because of his bad plays or his own mistakes.

Iwaizumi got changed soon after and made his way out to comfort his childhood friend. Iwaizumi found him sitting against a wall crying. "Hey don't beat your self up, you did great today." He sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug. "It's my fault I was distracted during that last serve and I would have gotten it if it wasn't for that-." "Hey their babe." The same girl that Oikawa had heard from earlier had interrupted Oikawa. "Hey can you just give us another minute?" "You promised me we could go out to dinner now." She pouted and sounded annoyed.

Iwaizumi lifted Oikawa off the ground walked him over to the bus gave him a hug and then left hand in hand with the girl that would soon take everything Oikawa loved.

Oikawa started to board the bus and as he looked out the window he saw the two of them kissing. All of a sudden Oikawa felt his throat itch, he started to go into a coughing fit and one small Sakura petal fell out of his mouth.

 All of a sudden Oikawa felt his throat itch, he started to go into a coughing fit and one small Sakura petal fell out of his mouth

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