The note

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Look away, look away

Look away, look away

This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day

Every single episode is nothing but dismay

So, look away

Look away, look away

The Baudelaires* are taken in by ,But has a plan that's going off without a hitch,

It's a race against the clock to rescue their ,*You'll need rescuing yourself before this grim tale ends

Just look away,

Look away—There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way

Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say:

Look away.

Look away, look away.

Look away, look away.

Look away, look away.

Look away, look away.

The book you are about to read,

assuming your eyes are open
and tilted towards me,

is a story which can teach you
the difference between the word "nervous"

and the word "anxious."

The word "nervous" means
"worried about something."

The way you might feel if you were served
prune ice cream,

because you'd be worried
it would taste awful.

I'm nervous.

"Anxious," on the other hand,
means "troubled by disturbing suspense."

The way you might feel
if you were served a live alligator,

because you'd be troubled by the suspense

of whether you would eat your dessert

or it would eat you.

I'm anxious.

If you are thinking about the story
of the Baudelaire orphans,

you might feel nervous
because you do not know how it ends.

But if you are viewing this story,
you will be anxious and troubled

by the disturbing suspense in which they
find themselves hopelessly trapped.

So here we are in the city once again not so depressing. But I just can't stop thinking about Duncan. I know he's not safe with Count Olaf what if he Kills him then our poor little bean won't have a father. 

"Now Baudelaire's you might be nervous." Mr. Poe said

"Were mote then nervous we are anxious, Our friends are kidnapped by count Olaf and they are not safe." Klaus answered.

"Oh you mean the Quadlare twins." Mr. Poe said.

"They are not twins they triplet died in a fire also."  I snapped at Mr. Poe. I open up the note I couldn't wait much longer it said. 


my love. My love for you  has grown stronger everyday since the day that I met you. I love you and our little bean, tell it daddy lives them and misses them already. And Y

I can't express how much I lo you in just a note but don't worry we'll be back as soon as we can I love you sweetie." I start to cry. 

"Y\ n is everything alright?" Mr. Poe asked.

" No....The... Love.... Of.....," I said inbetween sobs and hiccups. 

"Wait Y

your pregnant" Mr. Poe asked. I nodded he lectured me about how it was good to use proction and how I'm only 14. We get there and Mr. Poe has no idea where he's going. 

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