Prefuct Prep Part 1

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Look away, look away
Look away, look away
This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day
Every single episode is nothing but dismay
So, look away
Look away, look away
At school the Baudelaires are forced to live in an old shack,
Comfort, joy and safety are among the things they lack,
They run a lot of laps which keeps them in fantastic shape,
But you're the one who ought to take this chance for an escape.
Just look away,
Look away—
There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way
Ask any stable person,
"Should I watch?"
and they will say:
Look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.

Lemony Snicket Pov
"You probably shouldn't be here This is a secret passageway, in a restricted area about one third of the way through a dreadful and upsetting story. My name is Lemony Snicket. If you've been following the story as closely as some people have, then you know that nobody should be here. 'Cause everything about the Baudelaires' situation is horrible to contemplate. If you're interested in stories with a happy endings. Then I suggest you look away for this is the story you want."
Y/n Pov.
Here I am sitting a bench with my 3 siblings. Voliet, Klaus, and sunny.
    "It feels that we've been sitting on this bench since forever." Klaus exaggerated
"We've been waiting for so long it  feels like sunnys not a baby any more and starting to look like a toddler." Voliet said.
"Hey cake sniffers." A girl I don't reqinzied walks up to us. She's not wearing a uniform like the rest of us. Instead she's wearing a pink dress.
"Umm. Hi" Voliet said
"hi?" Klaus said.
"Are you blithering Idiots. Everybody knows that I'm Calimlta Spatts."

♡A/n Hey y'all I am probably going to instead of making 2 parts like the Series in Nexflix I am going to try to spand it out as much as possible so I can make a book out of the series. You are safe here. I am I probably going to make a Klaus x reader also. ♡
The World is Quiet Here.☆

Unfortunate (Duncan Quagmire x Reader)(discounted)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora