He knows

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A/n I am so sorry for posting I been having a tough time thinking of examples, into the story we go!!!!!

Y/n Pov
I woke up, in the living room. Surrounded by my siblings and the dreadful Count Olaf.
"Sis are you ok?" Klaus asked  "Yeah Im fine" I groaned.
"Is the baby ok?" Violet asked and once she realized what she said she emmidilty covered her mouth. "Y/n I am so sorry! He knows now!"

"Baby?!" Jorome asked. I noded
"I'll go speak to her about the safety of you know." Count Olaf said, he grabbed the sleeve of my pantsuit and tugged me away from the others.

"Baby you say." Count Olaf asked. "Well now I only need you, and I can kill off your siblings."
"Don't touch them do whatever you want to me but don't touch them." I said.
"Oh sweet Y/n I won't touch them until you give birth. But until then your coming with me." He covered my eyes with a cloth and took me.

A/n I know it's short but I wanted to update. I see working on the next one right away. I hope you liked it.

☆The World is Quiet Here☆

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