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Klaus's Pov 
We walked to the top of the elevator shaft. And heard someone screaming
 "Were down here!" I reqnized them and it was Y/n and the Quadmires. 
"Were coming to get you out!"  We yelled down to them. And then we walked away looking for things that might help them get out. Violet found most of it she found a rope curtins. Then we ran back.

Y/n Pov
Im starting to worry about them. They haven't been here for at least 2 hours. 
"Duncan I'm starting to worry about them. They haven't checked in or anything what if Count Olaf caputured them. I can't lose them." Duncan grabbed my hand, and rubbed it to calm me down. 
"Don't worry love they are going to be alright there get finding a way to get us out. " I nodded.

{Time skip brought to you by Esme saying her full name.}

Time passed and I tried to get Duncan and Isadora out of the cage. The locked looked complecated and I have left my telescope in my bag in the room with my dress from when I preformed at Prefuct Prep. 

Violet's Pov 
Once I got all the meterals I needed for the rope. I called Klaus and grabbed Sunny and we went down.  I tyed them  together and started lowering down the rope. 

Y/n pov 

I saw the rope coming down I grabbed onto it and yelled.
"They are stuck in a cage both you need to come help I'll go up and hold the rope while you get them out." I started climbing. once I got to the top, Klaus went down first. Then Violet, when they got down. I heard someone talking I couldn't makeout who it was. I looked down and It was............

A/n Hey Y'all I have not been posting and why because yes I broke it off with my realationship and School started in person again today. I am writing this in Target (Study hall). I am going to try to post whenever. It will most likely be every other day because that is when I have target so. And if I don't make my deadline that I set up for myself I am sorry in avance. I love Y'all, stay safe, And drink lost of water. I will see you in the next chapter. 

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