Chapter 73

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Aaron's eyes wandered to lock on his father's burning car meanwhile his fingers ran through his thick silky wet hair hastily. "Let's just run for now." He said in a serious voice.

Dean turned instantly to shot his older brother a deadly glare. "I am not going anywhere." He spoke in an emotionless voice as if everything occurred around him had caused him to lose his mind. "Are you fucking crazy? We didn't do anything wrong." His voice was as calm as that of the atmosphere before a big storm could arrive.

Aaron was quick to walk over and pull Dean's blazer up tightly. "Do you think those police will believe that all of us are innocent? We're wearing the fucking bulletproof vests with loaded guns. Snap out of it already, will you? I am pretty sure that you don't want to be thrown into the damn prison right now if you want to avenge Richard Chu." He lets go of the blazer with a loud irritating sigh and then turned around to give a loud command to the other two men. "Make a call for the other men to bring us a car and two new suits. You two will stay here to explain the situation. If the police ask, tell them that you guys are the bodyguards. Dean and I will try to run away first."

"Yes, sir!" The two men hurried to hand their pistols to Aaron and then pulled out their phone to dial in the phone number of another cobra's affiliated man.

"I didn't say that I will go with you," Dean stated through his gritted teeth with the tone of stubbornness in his voice. "If they want to imprison me then go ahead. It is nothing new to me."

Aaron bit his lower lip to control his temper before he pulled Dean's collar this time. "We have to attend the banquet no matter what. You don't want other mafia groups to think that we are betraying them, do you? Remember that this is our father's plan... If we don't show up, other mafias will fucking end the Cobra clan instead of the Ravens."

Dean glared deeply at his older brother's eyes as he remained silent for a few seconds. He swallowed hard. The tensions, which burned within his mind, made his tongue-tied. The fear, anger, and confusion were all mixing up within his head that it was about to drive him crazy in any second. He couldn't even think straight of what the consequences will be like. The years-long of grudge, which he has once forgotten about, had suddenly made its appearance once again inside his head. His blood was boiling hard with the madness that intensified every single second that Richard Chu's name recalled within his head.

A drop of warm tear slipped from the corner of his eyes as it washed down his cheeks with the freezing droplets of the rain. It was not because he was weak. His tear that shed was because he hated himself for not being able to avenge the man that ruined his life. It was not that Dean had no capability to do so, but it was because he loved that man's daughter too much, too much that he rather choose to hurt himself like an idiot. His love for her was pure and greater than anything that anyone could've imagined. It left him an exceeding pain within his heart whenever he reminded himself that the woman he loves carried the blood of the one he hates.

Dean blinked once to shift his gaze to stare at the smoking car. His brows drew together as he tried to process Aaron's words wisely and carefully. It was hard for him to stay focus and think clearly when everything happened too suddenly. It was foreign to him that his heartbeat sped up like insane, not because of love but because of a whole new ambiguous emotion. He had no idea what type of decision he should be making so that it would rather be suitable for the current situation and everyone around him.

Everything that Giselle had been telling him didn't seem to evoke his puzzling mind. His chest utterly filled with the undeniably stinging pain when that one man's face, Richard, flashed across his eyes.

Although his assumption about the person behind his father's death could be false, Dean was quite careless about the truth. To him, Richard was as good as his sworn lifetime enemy. There seemed to be nothing that can change his mind. Nothing. Dean found it useless to try to convince himself into believing something that was not true. The beautiful fantasy with Giselle, which he thought could change him, seemed to be a waste of his time. At the end of the day, he was him, Dean Winchester, a son and an heir to the Cobra clan. Everything he had done with Giselle seemed to be just an illusion that he had been fooling himself with. It was too good and too happy to be true overall. It never felt real to him. Happiness. Marriage. Family. Those were the three main things that he could never grasp no matter how hard he tries.

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