Chapter 66

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The sound of the spoon and the fork clinking against the plate echoed throughout the restaurant along with the background noises of the chitchatting between each guest. Dean focused on cutting his steak into smaller pieces meanwhile he murmured, "Giselle, do you have anywhere in mind that you want to visit while we are here?"

She took a sip of her orange juice and then replied softly, "No, I don't. I've never been here. Aren't we suppose to visit Dr. Aldo before dinner time though?"

His lips curved into a smile as he said, "We are, but if you don't mind, we can head straight to the hotel first. I wanted to wash up and change out of this sandy clothes."

She chuckled at the same time that her eyes darted toward his blazer. "Yes, sir. You're the boss. You get to do everything."

"No, I don't." He whispered with a warm smile. His gaze flickered to meet hers before he replaced her plate with his. "I've cut this up for you. Now, be a good girl and listen to the boss." He chuckled briefly and then continued to cut a big piece of steak in front of him.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"You're welcome." He replied and then grabbed his glass of red wine to take a sip. He watched her quietly eating up her steak before he asked, "How is it? This is my first time eating in this restaurant."

She nodded and then swallowed quickly. "Good, everything is good. You should try it too."

"I will." He said shortly as he motioned her to carry on eating.

As soon as they arrived at a VIP room of a resort, Dean locked the door behind his back. He took off his shirt without hesitant meanwhile he felt like he was going to suffocate from the heat. The air conditioner inside the room didn't feel like it was cooling him down either.

Giselle shook her head with a smile as she placed her glute onto the bed slowly. "Are you good? Do you need some help? Your face is like bright red right now."

He sighed out loud as he kicked his pants away. "I should've worn short pants and short sleeves. I didn't expect that we would be staying at the shore for two hours straight. Today is so damn hot. How are you looking so fine?"

She giggled at his annoying expression. "Maybe I am more of a summer person instead of a winter person."

"I don't belong in any of those seasons. I hate to feel cold and hot." He mumbled while making his way toward Giselle. "Give me a kiss before I go shower." She flashed him a smile, letting him know that she was ready for it. He leaned closer to kiss her soft lips quickly before he leaned back. "Are you sure you don't want to shower together?" He asked in a playful tone while his eyes instantly traveled down her body.

"No, I am not sweaty like you. Hurry up, and go." She laughed at the same time she stood up to push him away. Her strength didn't affect him a single bit. Dean stood his ground like a stone meanwhile her shove felt like a massage on his chest instead. In his head, he wondered if it was because he was stronger than her or if she was just doing it lightly to not hurt him. When he resisted taking any steps back, she pouted. "Dean, go." She forced him to turn around when she noticed a smirk formed on his lips.

"Fine, fine. Jeez, I am going. So mean," He said as he turned around to take a few steps with hesitant.

She laughed when he turned his head to check her out for the second time. "Stop, Dean." She said in a soft voice while holding her gentle smile at him.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, Giselle laid her back onto the bed and then pulled out her phone. She clicked into the contact app then began to dial in each of her family member's phone numbers. She saved them one by one into her phone contact before she continued to dial in Luna and Vincent's numbers.

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