Chapter 34

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Two days later, Dean gained back his consciousness. A sudden sharp pain struck his body when he tried to move his right arm. Glancing around, he found himself was alone in the hospital room. Lifting his left hand up, he took off the oxygen mask slowly. Taking a deep breath, he groaned in pain.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds until the pain died back down. His eyes opened slowly again. They stared up blankly at the empty ceiling above him. He gulped quietly as a drop of tear escaped the corner of his eyes.

How am I still alive? Why can't God let me die? Why is it so hard for me to die?

He chuckled to himself as a few more drops of warm tears ran down from his eyes to the pillow.

The room is cold, but there is nobody around. Nobody can help me turn off the air conditioner. I am hurting, yet nobody comes to visit me. Who am I to anticipate someone's care? Thanks to my father, I get to sleep in the hospital bed again. When can I escape from all of this mess? I just want to be free. I just want to be happy. He pondered with a frown on his face.

Biting his lower lip roughly, Dean helped himself to sit up against the bedboard. The sudden dizziness caused him to pause for a few seconds. As soon as the dizziness went away, he shifted both of his legs to one side. He breathed hard, then he pulled the IV needle out of his right hand, which caused the blood to splatter onto the floor.

I can't stay here. I hate the hospital. What if someone, disguises as a doctor or nurse, come in again? I can't let that happen for the second time. This place is scary. I am afraid to be locked up like when I was a kid. I don't want to experience it ever again. I can't let father hurt me and hospitalized me whenever he wanted ever again. I have to get out of here.

He groaned in his throat, with the pain, while he struggled to get up on his feet. He took a few steps away from the bed slowly before the pain from his head caused him to feel light-headed for a split second. His balance on his two feet suddenly started trembling as they grew weaker. Dean's weak body dropped down onto the cold floor, unexpectedly. His head smashed onto the hard floor making him blackout.

A few hours later, Giselle went to wash her hands. All of a sudden, a voice called her from behind. "Giselle!" She turned to dry her hands and then made her way towards where the voice was coming from. A guy in his nurse uniform, Kevin, ran over to stop in front of her. "Dude, can you check-up for me if the IV in a VIP room 7007 has run out? I have a really bad stomachache. I've been having diarrhea since this morning after I drank my diet smoothie. I got to go to the bathroom now, I'm sorry!"

Giselle opened her mouth and was about to say no, but Kevin had already run away to the bathroom. She groaned in annoyance a little before she checked the clock on the wall. Her breaktime was within five minutes. If she had to go all the way up to the seventh floor and come back down, her break time would have ended by then. She sighed out loud when she was left with no choice. Turning around, she made her way to the elevator.

The moment Giselle opened the door, her brows furrowed in confusion. The patient was already gone. The bed was left empty and messy. She took a few steps in to do a double check before her eyes caught a glance of a body, which was lying on the floor behind the bed.

She gulped quietly as she made her way around the bed. "Hello? I am here to check the IV-" She paused when she saw the drops of the blood on the floor with an unconscious man. Her heart sped up at the same time she ran closer to get down on the floor. "Sir, are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone of voice while she tried to lift his heavy body up.

Her eyes widened when she saw a familiar face. Her body suddenly started to tremble as she tried to lift him up with all of her strength. His body fell over onto hers, abruptly, the moment she stood up. Due to the height difference, it caused his face to drop down onto one of her shoulders. Wrapping her arms around his waist tightly, she felt his heartbeat against her chest. Giselle found herself speechless. His warm weak breath against her bare neck, caused tears to overwhelmed her eyes.

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