Chapter 70

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Dean shifted in a king-size mattress with Giselle who soundly asleep over his shoulder. He sighed a heavy breath as he stared quietly without a blink at her face. She looked as peaceful as ever. Her deep shallow breathing pattern helped calm his throbbing heartbeat down. Apart from him didn't want to let her go even when he knew that it would just be a temporary moment until he meets her again. Why did it feel like everything wouldn't go the right way? Dean thought as he continued to lightly rub his cheek against her head.

Inside his mind was full of concerns and many unexplainable feelings that he wanted to tell her. He wanted to keep his promise that he will come back to get her when everything is cleared in Las Vegas. Although he might be sad, he will gladly return her to Richard Chu if that was what she wished for. The chance of him not be able to see her again was high. This might be the only and last moment that they would've got to stay so close together like this. Dean knew himself more than anyone. He didn't want to leave her either giving her up to her father, but he was just too afraid that a person he loves would fall into danger because of him. He knew that his father will soon find out about everything. He knew that his time with her was running out. Dean couldn't bear to see anyone leaving his life ever again. Ever since he grew up, the taste of watching someone walked away was bitter than anything he had ever encountered. The only way that Dean Winchester could think of to prevent this from happening again was for him to be the one to walk out. He wondered and questioned himself if it would be less painful for him to leave rather than wait for Giselle to leave. This relationship would come to an end at one point. What was the reason for trying to keep it going? These confusing thoughts kept lingering in his mind as he listened to the sound of her breathing.

Dean brushed her hair slowly before he leaned in to plant a kiss on her forehead. His warm soft lips turned tight as he tried to suppress the aching feeling that formed inside his chest. His eyes began to get redder as the warm tears dwell up around his pupils causing his vision to get blurred. He took a deep breath at the same time that he broke the kiss.

Would this be the last kiss? Would this be the last touch? Dean furrowed his brows while his eyes locked on her long lashes without a blink. His stomach grew the butterflies that gave him a dangerous thrilling feeling. It was unlike any other time. It was neither happy nor shock. He wondered why. He was never a person who would be affected by emotions. He was a man without a heart. How come everything seemed to have to change the longer he stayed near her? When did he learn to love? When did he learn to want to grow his own family? Those questions were left unanswered because there seemed to be no reason or hope for him to live a life of his dream, full of warmth and love from just a small family.

He raised another hand to caress her defined face and then slightly ran his thumb over one of her brows for one last time. He slowly lifted her head off of his shoulder then place her down gently onto the soft pillow beneath him.

His heart skipped a beat the moment he let go of her body. It was as if apart of him had been stripped away from his heart. Dean had no choice but to force himself to get off the bed quietly to make his way to grab his clothes. He hurried to put them on meanwhile his eyes darted across the room to lock on his sleeping beauty. He sighed out loud and then cursed at himself in a whispered tone for being emotional. "Fuck... What the fuck is wrong with me? It is not like I am not coming back..." He bit his lower lip forcefully in irritation as he finished buttoning up his black shirt. Dean tried to reassure himself that everything would be fine and that it was all just in his head. He used to never care either worry about anything until now. He'd never thought that there would be a day like today where he felt like one piece of his heart puzzles was forced to take out.

After he made his way toward the door, Dean held onto the doorknob tightly while he turned halfway to gaze at Giselle for a few seconds. His brows tied together unconsciously as his expression displayed a hesitant look.

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