Chapter 75

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Giselle furrowed her brows in mixed feeling after Dean hung up the phone. She couldn't hear what he was saying besides the cutting sounds of the background noises. There were so many unanswered questions that rushed through her mind. She wanted to hear from him herself of the real reason why he left her alone. She wished that he would give her a chance to explain. It kept her unsettling ever since the second that he left without telling her. All she ever wanted was for him to be truthful towards her. She tried to call him back a few times but she couldn't reach him any longer.

"M'am, it's late now. You should go to sleep or get washed up." One of the Cobra's men mumbled softly as he stood straight by the wall in a guiding manner. The two men exchanged each other a look to make sure that both of them were following the plan. They wanted to take Giselle's phone away so that she could not contact anyone just like how their boss had instructed.

Giselle turned slightly to look at the two men in black before she stood up from the sofa and asked, "What else are both of you planning? I knew that Dean contacted you both. I saw the looks that you gave each other, so don't even try to lie to me again."

The two men bit their lips and then took a deep heavy breath in guilty.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me." She murmured through her gritted teeth. She hated it that nobody tells her anything. She felt like a blinded fool who was being led to a place where she had no idea of what would be in front of her. The feeling that Dean tried to keep everything away from her left her uncertain in almost every second and minute that she breaths.

She recalled his words inside her head as she continued to walk past the Cobra's men. She knew that all Dean was trying to do was to keep her protected from Bowen Winchester. Giselle swallowed hard as she opened the door to the bedroom. "I should trust you... I have to trust you..." She whispered to herself with anxiety. Her stomach felt eerie when she came to think about his words from the other day again and again. She stood still, almost mindless, by the door meanwhile her eyes stared blankly at the shiny floor.

He wouldn't hurt my father, would he? What should I do? He won't listen to me even if I tried to persuade him. That day on the wood bench, I could see through his eyes. They were filled with unforgettable painful memories from his past. I am more than certain that my words alone won't change his heart. What else can I do to make him forget those moments within his life? I tried my best to comfort him... cheer him... and made sure that he could be happy just like everyone else. Is everything I've done ending up being useless? Dean... I love you so much... I love you so greatly that it made me become a fool. Ever since I've met you, I felt like I know you yet I don't. You made me felt loved... but I knew your intention well from the beginning. I'm scared. Even when knowing the hatred that you held towards my father, I still had the courage to think that I could change you one day. Is what I am thinking wrong? Was everything just inside my own head?

Giselle's warm tears rolled out the corner of her eyes before she hurried to wipe them away. She closed the door behind her back gently as more tears escaped her eyes unwillingly. "Why am I crying again?" She asked herself weakly underneath her breath as her trembling hands let go off of the doorknob. "Stop thinking..." She whispered as she tried to reassure herself.

On her way to the bed, she placed her phone on the nightstand.

I have to believe Dean. I have to stop thinking that he is lying to me. She thought to herself. While she settled slowly onto the bed, the image of their first night together appeared inside her head.

He was very mad that night when he thought that my father had sent me after him. He took advantage of me and became extremely cruel toward me. Giselle bit her lower lip before she dropped her head into the palm of her fragile hands and started to cry harder as the ugly memory flashed across her mind.

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