Chapter 27

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After that charity event night, Dean sent Ivan and Leo to find out more about the bullet that shot him. He felt uneasy because he felt as if someone had their eyes on his back the whole time. There was chaos everywhere.

One of the customers reported to the police and tried to sue The Cobra by telling the police that they witnessed people exchanged drugs in The Cobra's building. Some random girls said that they got sexually harassed and it was the club's fault for not protecting them. Dean had been busy keeping up with those problems. He got interviewed multiple times about all of those incidents.

A fault rumor started to spread that The Cobra group was the one behind the shooting incidents in that charity event. It turned out that the police didn't have enough proof to prove The Cobra wrong besides those people's words. After those cases got settled for a couple of days, his casino met another big storm.

There was a female employee who worked in The Cobra casino. Her parents reported that at first their daughter got raped, but after that night they never heard back from her again. She told her parents to not report about her getting rape because her rapists had threatened to kill her and her family if they find out. Now, after their only daughter went missing, they felt like they had nothing else to lose.

"Boss, are you okay?" Leo asked with a worried tone while his eyes looked at Dean with worried.

Dean nodded his head in his seat with his eyes closed. He rested his back against the leather chair in exhaustion while both of his hands held onto his head. He sighed out loud as he leaned back into the desk and glanced at his two men. "Have you two find out about the seller? I need to know whose men they belong to." His icy voice referred to the bullet. The only way to track down the culprits and catch them was to find out their origin.

Ivan placed a plastic bag with a bullet in it onto the table and said, "The bullet is unique. It is hard for us to find where it was made. I've sent my friend to investigate it some more."

Dean closed his right hand in a fist and said in a calm voice. "One of the employees went missing. I wondered, if this is one of the death threats, they're trying to send me." He gulped and took the plastic bag to inspect the bullet inside of it. "I hope it's not who I think it is."

If it is Stefano Angelo, I will kill him with my own hands. If it is Richard Chu, I will kill him... Ugh! Who could it be? Dean groaned in his throat before he dismissed his two men.

When noon approached, the break time inside the hospital began. Giselle sat in her seat spacing out. She tried to recall what had happened on the night of that charity event. Her brows furrowed when the image of Dean with bleeding arm flashed inside her head. Ever since that night, she never once saw Dean coming to visit the hospital.

Is he okay? She asked herself.

Giselle felt bad and sorry for him. If only it wasn't because of her, he wouldn't have gotten himself shot either. She didn't understand his reason for risked his own life to just save her. He could've just left her there and watched her getting shot to death. She sighed out loud before she started to stir her instant noodle.

I was so worried about him that I even started to cry. I was scared to death that he would get shot and died. How could he be so reckless? Ugh! What is wrong with me? That stupid man, what was he thinking? He could've got shot and died because of me. She thought in irritation and then stuffed her mouth full of the hot noodle.

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