Chapter 9:Bonding

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Alexis Pov
After getting ready I head downstairs and find Zara sitting on Lucian's lap asking all sorts of questions. Zane on the other hand wasn't in the mood to talk to him. He was still scowling but I could see that he wanted to bond with his father. I knew he would never say it so I decided to be a nosy mom. "Hey guys, what ya' doin'?"They both looked up at me." Daddy was just telling me about you as a child. You were very troublesome. I'm very disappointed mom. "I chuckled at my daughter's tone of voice." Between me and you, who is the parent and who is the child? "I asked in my most stern voice. She laughs at my comment and soon enough I join in with her. Once we calm down we find the boys looking at us with a worried look." What? "I ask as I sit next to Lucian." You two have a weird sense of humor. It wasn't even that funny,"Zane says while heading to the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle of water." Me and Zara are two peas in a pod. You should already know that by now. "He rolls his eyes at my comment and sits on the other side of Lucian. The two start having a conversation of their own while me and Zara head to the kitchen to finish making dinner.

We were currently sitting at the table eating dinner and it was nice. We had small conversations and the kids had started warming up to Lucian. "Dad?" Lucian looked to Zane. "Yeah buddy." He looked down for a minute then looked back at Lucian. "Why did you do it?" Lucian looked at him like he knew what he was asking. "Stupidity." Was his answer. I still didn't understand what they were talking about so I just tuned them out and focused on my dinner. "Do you regret it?" Was his next question, "Everyday of my life." After he said that I finally understood what Zane had asked. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach. Sometimes my son was too smart for his own good. I stood up and put my plate in the sink then went outside.

Lucian Pov
Alexis stood up and went outside. I think Zane's question must've irritated her so I followed her. I found her sitting on the swing in the backyard. "Hey," I said while sitting next to her. "Hmmm," she looked like she was lost in her own train of thought. We sat there in a comfortable silence until she spoke up again, "Did you mean what you said in there?" I turned my body so I was completely facing her. I took her hands in mine and looked her dead in the eyes. "I meant every single word of it. I made a mistake that I regret every day. What I did ruined four lives and I have no excuse for it. I'm really really sorry for everything." Her eyes were holding unshed tears and my heart ached to hold her in my arms. I could basically feel her emotions. I squeezed her hands as soon as a stray tear falls from her eyes. I couldn't hold myself anymore and engulfed her in a hug. I moved my fingers through her hair and it felt heavenly. Her hair was so long and soft. I rest my chin on her head and let her cry on my shoulder. We sat there for a couple more minutes until she finally calmed down. "Thanks and sorry for your shirt," she said while wiping the last tear from her face. "No problem. Wanna go back inside, it's getting pretty cold out here." She stood up and took my hand and we went inside to find the kids out like a light on the living room floor. "Will you help me take them to their room?" she asked while picking Zara up. I nod my head, pick Zane up and follow her to the kid's room. She tucks them in and leaves the door slightly open. Then she goes down to the kitchen to wash dishes. "You want any help?" she turned around to face me. God she was beautiful. Any man would be lucky to have her and I, being the idiot I am, let her go. "Sure, you can dry them." Her melodic voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I went over to where she was and started drying the dishes.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked while plopping down on the couch. It felt good spending some alone time with her. "Yeah sure, what did you have in mind?" I take a seat right next to her. "Titanic?" "Oh no. I'm not watching that movie anymore. You already cried a lake of tears on my shirt, I don't need another ocean." She laughed at my comment and I felt my heart swell with joy. "Ok then we can watch The Notebook. There'll be less crying involved,I promise." I sigh in defeat cause I knew I wouldn't win this argument.

About halfway through the movie Alexis fell asleep. I picked her up and took her to her room. I found it after sniffing out her scent. Her room was quiet big. It had white walls and one wall was made of glass with two French doors leading to the balcony. There was a king size bed in the middle with royal blue sheets and a mahogany headboard and white transparent curtains covering it. On the left there were two doors which I presume are the closet and bathroom. Near the window there was a love seat, a coffee table and on one of the walls there was a Tv and a large bookshelf with an overload of books. I placed her down in the middle of the bed and was about to leave but she grabbed onto my sleeve. I turned around and saw she was still sleeping. I tried pulling my sleeve away but she held on tighter. I sighed and got into bed seeing that I won't be leaving tonight. I wrapped my hand around her and she snuggled into me. Slowly I let the darkness consume me.

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