Chapter 12: Willow And Alexis

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Alexis Pov
Today I'm having a meeting with Willow on how her wedding dress should look. I think I might be the unluckiest she-wolf in the world. I'm literally giving my mate away to someone else.

-We really are unlucky. Our mate is getting married to someone else and here we are single as can be.
Honestly this is just sad Midnight. Maybe we should find ourselves a nice guy to settle down with.
-I can't live without my mate Alexis. We have to get rid of that Willow girl. We have to do something.
Midnight that is such a horrible thing to say. I will not kill Willow.
-I am not saying that you have to kill her just get rid of her.
And how do you propose I do that?
-I don't know, you're his mate so figure it out. Why do you think you're in charge?
You know what forget it. Willow is coming in today for her measurements so could you please behave.
-Yeah whatever.

Just as I'm about to reply there's a knock on my door. "Come in." My assistant, Leslie pokes her head through the door. "Ma'am, Ms Evergreen is here for her fitting." "Ok, give me a few minutes I'll be with her shortly." What the hell is she doing here.

Well I guess I have to deal with this bitch now. After a while I allowed Willow into my office. "Hey, how are you?"

-Cut the crap bitch.
Stop it Midnight.

"I'm good. Please take a seat while I get your dress from the rack." "Sure thing."

Making my way to the back I fish through the stacks of dresses until I found hers. Throughout the process of designing and making the dress I was very tempted to make it as ugly as possible but I refrained. There's no use in being petty now.

The dress itself was stunning, probably one of my best work I just wish it didn't have to be worn by her. I wish it was my dress and that I was the one who was getting married to Lucian instead of her.

"Here's your dress, go into the dressing room over there and then come back so I can see how you look."

She got  up and did as instructed. After a couple of minutes she comes out wearing the dress. She looked beautiful. The dress was highlighting every desirable feature on her. I hated it on her. I felt like tearing it of her body then burning it to ashes. Does that make me sound crazy.

Argh!!! I love this dress so much it physically hurt to watch her in it. "So how do I look?"

- I hate it on you. I wish you would trip and fall into a volcano.

Would you please stop being such a petty bitch for five minutes. I know you hate this but I hate it as much as you.

- Whatever.

After I got Midnight to calm down a little I focus back on Willow. "It looks great on you I just need to fix a few things then it will be perfect."

"Thanks so much for doing for me. I know how you must be feeling knowing that your mate is getting married to another woman. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your sacrifice even with your two children. No woman would willingly give up their man to another woman."

Now I felt extremely awkward. I feel like she's subtly rubbing it in my face that she's the one who's marrying Lucian and not me. Nasty bitch thinks I won't catch on. Well two  can play this game. "Sure, but I kind of feel sorry that you will never be able to feel the same connection that I feel with him. "

I could feel her anger radiate off her. She couldn't do anything, if she tried then I'd break her bones. "Well Willow, we're done for today you can leave now. I'll contact you in two weeks so you can collect your dress "

She sneered at me but his it behind a smile. She went back to the changing room, came out with her purse then left. What a bitch.

I'm so tired. Standing around in heels the whole day is so exhausting. "Mum!"

"Hello my babies. How was your day with dad?"

"It was great we had so much fun with dad."

"That's good. I'm going to lie down for a while, okay ?"


I make my way upstairs and throw myself on the bed. As I'm about to fall asleep I receive a text from Lucian.

Lucian: Hey Lexi, how was your day?

Me: It was long and tiring. Willow came over today. We had an interesting chat.

Lucian: I hope she didn't cause any trouble.

Me: I wouldn't say trouble, but she did say a few things that I didn't like. I might have also said a few things that she didn't like so I guess we're even.

Lucian: I am so sorry, I'll have a talk with her later today. I told her not to cause any trouble.

Me: It's okay. I didn't mind. I get that she's feeling insecure about the whole 'mate and baby mama thing'. I would feel like that too if I was in her position.

Lucian: It's still not an excuse. I'll have a talk with her.

Me: Okay Lucian, talk to you later.

Lucian:Bye Lexi.

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