Chapter 6:Unexpected

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Lucian Pov
Today I'm going to meet up with the caterer for the wedding. Yep, Willow and I are going to get married after 8 years of mourning. The woman is also designing her dress, but I'm not allowed to see that. Honestly I'm not in a good mood, but for some reason I feel like something is gonna happen today, like I'm gonna meet someone after a long time. There's no one I've been away from except for Alexis, but she's dead.
-And its all your fault she's dead. If you hadn't rejected her we could've been happy with her and our children, but no you had to be selfish and ruin her life and happiness!
Okay thank you Cole, I get the idea, you still blame and hate me for it. I've apologized to you a million times already.
-Your meaningless apologies won't bring my mate and children back, so keep it to yourself, okay.
My wolf has been ranting on about how it's my fault she died. Honestly I also feel that way deep down inside. I've mourned and locked myself up, letting the pain consume me, but enough is enough. My pack needs their Alpha and that's who I am going to be.

I'm currently sitting in the conference room of the catering company and the owner of the company decided to take her precious time. She was already 30 minutes late, I was starting to lose my patience. Suddenly a sweet scent wafted into my nose. The smell was of jasmine, water lilies, roses and a bit of sea salt and pine. The smell was oddly familiar to me and my heart started thumping in my chest. After a long time my wolf was actually excited about something. Before I could locate the source of the smell, a group of people walked into the room. Then like lightning had struck, she walked in. She looked so beautiful, but something was wrong about her, she was different and I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. She sat down and she looked at me like she didn't know me. What was wrong with her? "Sorry for being so late, I apologize. Shall we continue with the meeting?" She almost looked amused.

The meeting went well. We discussed possible menu's and seating arrangements. We also went for the cake tasting. Throughout the entire meeting she ignored me. That actually hurt me alot more than I thought. I thought I was over her, but after seeing her today all my feelings rushed back. Once everyone left she went into her office. I followed her hoping I could talk to her just once. Atleast to get some closure as to what happened. "Alexis?" She looked up from her file and I could see the annoyance in her eyes. "Mmm?" I took a few steps closer and started speaking, "We need to talk." "Sit down." She gestured to the couch by the window and stood up to sit beside me. "Say what you have to say." I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. "I thought you were dead. How did you miraculously come back to life?" She looked deep into my eyes and spoke, "I did die. The old me died." I started to feel my anger rising but I quickly calmed myself. "Alexis don't play games with me, I saw you die in that bomb blast. I saw you and the kids that day. You were in front of me when it all happened." I zoned out for a bit then snapped back to reality. "What type of sick game are you playing with me, huh?" She chuckled lightly, got up and went to the bar and got two drinks. Then she came back to sit down. "It was all planned." She handed me my drink. "What do you mean by that?" "Revenge. I wanted you to feel the same pain I felt when you rejected me. I wanted to see you break down and feel helpless. I know it was wrong, but at the time I was too angry to care, and I still am." My blood turned cold and I could feel my anger rise. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO INSENSITIVE AND HEARTLESS, ALEXIS! YOU MADE ME FEEL GUILTY ALL THESE YEARS THINKING THAT YOU AND THE KIDS WERE DEAD! HOW HEARTLESS CAN YOU BE!" She looked at me unaffected by my words. This was starting to piss me of. "You say I'm heartless, but look at yourself. All my life you treated me like a servant, you belittled me, abused me and took every opportunity you could get to humilate me. And the worst part is that you left me when I needed you most, when WE needed you most, and you say I'm heartless and insensitive, please Lucian don't give me that crap okay. I've had it with everything being about you. Now I only think of myself and my children's well-being." Suddenly a knock came from the door." Come in. " A lady, who I assume is her assistant walks in." Ma'am, Zane and Zara are waiting outside."She looked at her watch." Okay send them in." The lady left and returned after a while.

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