-Chapter 14-

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Samantha POV

I wake up and i can hear explosion sounds. I quickly sit up. I crawl around the vents and then i see a hero run under us. I quickly crawl back to Y/n and pick her up. I'm careful not to touch any of her damaged areas. 

I pull her back to the area i saw the hero. Then I can hear another group of footsteps coming. I stand over the vent with Y/n and as soon as i see one of them i jump on top of the vent. It breaks through and i fall on top of...KIRISHIMA!?!

"Oh thank god!" i say as i make sure Y/n is ok. "SAMANTHA Y/N!" Kirishima yells as he pulls us into a hug. The hero's look at the vent confused. "Those vents were really starting to get cramped. Last i saw Overhaul was in his office. Although the last time i checked was about 10 minutes ago. I don't know if he's moved." i say as i look around us.

I see another group of hero's coming. Almost the entire class is in that group! "Y/N SAMANTHA!!!" They all scream as the run over to us I carefully put Y/n on my backs so we can move. "Hey guys not the time ok! We need to find Overhaul." They all nodd and we run off in the direction of his office.

I put a force field around myself and Y/n. I can't risk her getting more injured. Or her getting taken again. We charge into Overhauls office and there he is. He's just sitting on his couch looking at the floor. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" One of the heroes say. 

Mr. Aizawa erases his quirk. "great job....." I hear a small voice coming from Overhaul. "You heroes really are something...." Then he slowly looks up. "BUT IM GOING TO NEED THAT GIRL BACK." One of his eyes has turned red. He stands up. 

He takes one step forward. Nobody does anything. I look around at the Heroes and they all seem hypnotized. "NOW GIVE HER TO ME!" He shouts taking another step forward. One of the Heroes goes to try and take Y/n away from me. But they cant break my force fields. 

"You know Overhaul. You are playing right into my trap." I walk towards him. "You can't grab her. In fact theres nothing you can do to manipulate her now. You can do anything you want to me. But her Force Field will never fade unless i put it down. And there's no way to break it. 

No even with you quirk. Now im standing right in front of him. "So. what. Are. you. going. to. do. about. it?" He goes to try and tear me apart. I grab his arm and pin it behind his back. I pull out quirk cancelling handcuffs and put them on him. I pin him to the ground.

The heroes are brought out of their trance and immediately come to help me. I let them deal with him and go to pick up Y/n. Her breathing is ragged and she should have waken up by now. She needs to get to a hospital soon. 

"I'm going to bring Y/n to the hospital. I will meet you there and explain everything." I say as i grow wings and fly off. I drop down at the hospital and undo the force field around Y/n. The doctors take her and try to get me to wait but i say. "I'm a part of her quirk. Wherever she goes i go." They nodd and let me fallow her. 

About an hour later the entire class breaks into her room. I quickly put a protective arm over Y/n. They mutter apologies and sit down. "Now i guess i owe you an explanation. About three days ago Y/n called me. She had just woken up from an experiment and asked me to help her escape. I managed to open the vent in the ceiling and crawled in. I found a safe space inside the vents with a lot of room. I wanted to bring her in immediately but she had already been brought off to another experiment. When she was brought back i dropped down and brought her into the vents along with medical supplies and food in case she woke up. Then after a few hours i remembered i could send messages to you. After i sent a few messages i listened in on Overhaul. He was killing everyone in his way. Eventually he killed everyone in the building. Then you arrived. I hear you guys coming in the vents and quickly got Y/n so we could drop down on you." I finished and looked at Y/n. 

Suddenly i hear a light groan coming from her. Her eyes started to flutter. "Oh good she's waking up." I say as i move my chair closer to her. She finally opens her eyes and a look of fear croses her face. 

"Where-" She tries to say but immediately starts to cough. I give her some water and say "It's ok your in the hospital." She drinks the water and looks around. She notices the class and she immediately tries to sit up. 

I put my arm over her preventing it. "Don't your still not completely healed." I feel like a parent. 

The class gives her a swarm of "I'm so glad your ok! "We were so worried!" "I'm glad your safe!" She says thank you and i adjust her bed so she can sit up. 

Aizawa walks into the room and to our surprise hugs her. "You scared me kid." He says. She whispers sorry before hugging back. 

"So there is some kindness in him!" I hear a few of the students saying. "Shut up or your expelled." Aizawa snaps as he pulls away from Y/n. They immediately go silent. 

"Samantha, thank you for protecting her." He says looking at me. I nodd and say "I will always protect her." 

Eventually the class is forced to go back to campus. I'm supposed to stay with her and keep her safe. In the middle of the night she wakes up.

"Hey Samantha, is it possible for you to be free?" She asks staring out the window. I think for a moment before answering "Yes, but i can only be freed by my master." I look at her with a smile on my face. "Well then, i wish for you to be free." She says staring me in the eye. Then suddenly im surrounded by a swarm of golden light. It completely blocks my vision and suddenly i can feel the connection i have with Y/n break. 

When the golden light disappears i look at my hands in shock. I pinch myself just to check. "I-It hurts." I say shocked. "Y-You didn't have to do that." I say looking at her. "You have helped me enough. I wan't you to live a normal life!" She smiles and pulls me into a hug. 

"T-Thank you so much!" I say tears streaming down my cheeks. I wipe away my tears laughing. "I promise that even though we aren't connected anymore, i will always be here for you." I hold her hand and smile. "Thank you Samantha." She says. 

I smile and say "Always."


YAY! I wasn't even planning for her to get released until i really really wanted her and kiri to be together! Also is anyone else getting Aladdin vibes? Anyways pls tell me if u have any ideas to keep this story going! Becuase im running out. TY!!!!

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