-Chapter 20-

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Today Recovery girl is letting me out of the nurses office. I get to meet the class and try to get some sort of memory back. I put on the school uniform and Aizawa comes to bring me to the dorms. He want's it to be a surprise for the student's so he hasn't given them any information about me. He even told Kirishima and Samantha to keep their mouths shut.

He walks me to the dorms and tells me to wait outside as he gathers everyone. "Ok now I have someone i want you to meet." He says as he motions for me to come in. The class looks extremely happy to see me again even though i attacked them. 

"Now Y/n. This is your class. Class i want you to reintroduce yourself to her. In case your wondering she was brainwashed into thinking she was a villain that hated heroes. Thats why she attacked you. She has lost all her memory of any events before the kidnapping." He says as i look around at the faces.

Some of them give me looks of sympathy while others *Cough* Bakugou *Cough give me looks of hatred. They go through names and quirks and a small purple grape try to pretend he's my boyfriend but thankfully Kirishima slapped him on the back of his head letting me know it was fake. 

I apologize for attacking them the other day and they say its fine. 

They give me a tour of the building and tell me stories about the school year. For some reason  it seems like their leaving out something. The stories only ever come from about halfway through the year. 

I wanted to ask them about it but i decided not to bring it up for now. I mostly talked to Kirishima and Samantha. Samantha explained how she used to be a part of your quirk. But no further. 

Whatever they were leaving out was driving me insane. It was like a big red button saying DO NOT TOUCH. And i was the three year old that wanted to touch it. Finally it was time for bed and i was sitting in my dorm. Nothing was lining up for me. The Heroes told me they always cared about me, the villains said that they despised me. 

The villains said they were my family while the Heroes said that they were my family. At this point i didn't know who to trust. Honestly i miss the villains. Toga would always do my hair, and Tomura was fun to piss of. 

While with the Heroes Kirishima and Samantha are so nice and they seem inviting. I don't know what to do. Should i stay with the Heroes or go back to the villains. Even if i stay with the Heroes i have the villains contacts in my phone so i can text toga to hang out or Tomura to train together. 

I open my phone and text Toga

Me: Hey, the heroes told me something about brainwashing. Is that true?

I put my phone down and after a few minutes i get a reply.

Toga: No its not. I have no idea what their talking about. Don't believe anything those fake heroes say.

I think it over. Now both sides are apparently lieing to me. Toga is my best friend. I want to belive her so bad. But if what the Heroes are saying is true, then i don't know what to believe. I'm stuck in the middle of two sides. 

Me: Can you meet up with me at the park in about 2 hrs?

Toga:Of course! Want me to bring shiggy?

Me: Yes please.

Toga: See you soon!

I put down my phone. I need a way to sneak out of here. I wait in my room for an hour thinking of how i could get out. I take my student ID off and leave it in my dorm in case their tracking it. I turn Invisible and grab my bag full of a few things that the Villains gave me. I tip toe down the hallway to the front door of the dorms and make my way outside silently. 

I manage to make it past the gate and I walk quickly towards the park. Its about ten minutes before our meetup time and I'm still five minutes away from the park. I finally find it and sit down on a bench. I pull my black hoodie over my head so i can't be recognized. 

I look around and keep an eye out for Toga and Tomura. Eventually i see Toga skipping towards me with Tomura on her trail keeping his head down. They spot me and come sit down next to me. 

Toga hugs me and says "I'm so glad your ok! We were so worried about you!" I smile and face Tomura. "The heroes told me you brainwashed me. I'm not sure i believe them but even if it was true i still think of you guys as family. You treated me so nice." I pull the two of them into a side hug. 

"Y/n..We never brainwashed you. We did lie to you though. We needed to bring your hatred for heroes and All Might back so we told you those stories. What really happened was you decided to leave those stupid heroes about halfway through the year. They cared about you a lot but you still left them. You wanted revenge on heroes. You know how fake some of them are. I'm sorry we lied to you. But we really do love you." Tomura says as he looks down. 

"I love you guys too, your my family." I say. "I think I'm going to have to stay with the heroes but i promise I'll visit all the time! I won't ever turn into them. After my first year I'm probably going to come back here and live with you guys." I say smiling. 

"Don't worry bestie! I'll visit you all the time! Even if it means i have to ask Kurogiri to make me a warp into your dorm room!" Toga says smiling. "Tomura, thanks for telling me the truth big bro. I'm not mad at you. I really do love you guys." I ruffle his hair and stand up. "I've got to go now. I can't stay out to long or else the others might notice I'm gone. I'll text you the next time i want to meet up. Bye guys!" I give them one last hug before walking off. 

I manage to sneak back into the dorms and when i close the door to my dorm room i let out a sigh of relief. 

"Where were you." I hear a voice say. 

I quickly turn around and a look of panic crosses my face. Sitting there is the one and only, 

Katsuki Bakugou.


When i read books i absolutely DESPISE when an author leaves a chapter on a cliffhanger. SO I'M GETTING REVENGE AND DOING IT TO YOU LUCKY READERS! Don't worry i will update as soon as possible. I might get the next chapter out by tonight! Also...I GOT 1K READS IN LIKE 4 DAYS?!? Ya'll really wan't that face reveal. Anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading!

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