-Chapter 4-

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The days go on and on. Overhaul come's in, drags me to the lab, takes my blood, and throws me back in my room. I have no hopes to escape down here. There's too many passageways. I hope Eri is safe. Whenever i mention her to Overhaul he hits me and refuses to give me food for 2 days. 

I don't know what to do. Now that Eri's gone I've lost my passion. I can't even feel the pain from the experiments anymore. I'm just repeating the same cycle over, and over, and over.

I don't even scream anymore. There's no one to hear those screams. I thought it was cold in my room with Eri but down here every time I take a step it sends shivers down my entire body. At least Eri made it out. 

Maybe the hero's rescued her, maybe thats what i heard. I hope she's doing better now. I might just rot in this place. I wish Overhaul would just hurry up and kill me. All i know in this world is sadness, pain, fear.

I cant even smile anymore. I've tried so many times to bring my smile back but i just can't. Its been about 6 days since Eri left. And i finally hear the explosions again.



I see Lemillion and the hero with the green hair come into my room. I'm sitting on the bed in a red dress the doctors picked out for me. They both immediately smile when they see me. They come and sit down on the bed next to me.

"Hey Eri how are you!" Lemillion asked. I looked up at him and said. "I know Lemillion's name, but what should i call you?" I pointed at the green haired boy. "O-Oh! My names Izuku Midoriya! But my hero name is deku, maybe thats easier to remember so yea im deku!" He said.  

I nodd and look them both in the eyes. "W-Wheres Y/n?" i ask them. Every time i ask the doctors they give me a confused look and mutter something to the others. "Who?" Lemillion asked. "M-My sister!" I tell them. They immediately have looks of fear on their faces.

"S-She had the same quirk as me, he had taken both of us, is she here?" I ask. The boys immediately shoot up and run to Aizawa. I can hear them whispering something to each other and i see Aizawa get a look of fear on his face as well. 

Did they not know where she was? I want to see her. Tell her about the people who saved me. 

Suddenly Aizawa rushed into the room and started asking questions like "Do you know where she is?" "How old is she?" "did you see her at all during the rescue?" It looks like they don't know where she is. "S-She's 16, they always test on her more than me. She always kept a huge box of bandages in the corner of our room so we could wrap each other when it starts to hurt more. She helped me escape so many times but Overhaul always caught up to me. She was always willing to be hurt as long as i was safe." I explained. 

"She must have been left behind during the raid, of course Overhaul had to escape. Eri do you know if there are anymore secret passageways in the place you were captured in?" He asked me.

"Overhaul always told us not to go down to the fourth floor. There's a closet in one of the labs with a stair case leading down there. I've seen Overhaul take people down there before but never saw them again." I told them. 

"Boys say goodbye to Eri for now, we have another Rescue mission to plan." He rushed out of the room. "Don't worry Eri were going to get your sister!" The two boys said as they ran out of the room. 

Eri its ok, please don't worry about me. Your the one who needs to stay smiling let everyone know the little sunshine you can be!

I heard a voice in my head. Y/n had always joked about how since we have the same quirk we can talk to each other through it. I had no idea that it could be true.

I will keep on smiling. I love you sis. 

I thought that one phrase really hard hoping that Y/n heard it. Then i got a response. 

Good, i love you too.

I tried to smile. Putting my hands on my face trying to get my self to do it. But it was no use. I hadn't smiled in years i don't even know how too anymore.

At least i know that Y/n is ok.



I can hear walls breaking. Overhaul burst open the door and says. "I'm not looking to get in another fight today, just know i will find you again." He then runs away. I slowly walk out of the door towards the explosions. Suddenly a wall breaks down right in front of me. I gasp and cover my head. I can see a bunch of hero's coming through the wall.

They haven't noticed me yet. I start coughing from the dust of the wall. Everyone looks at me and gets in a fighting stance. When the dust clears they see me and all relax. "We found her!" One of them said.

"Do you know where Overhaul went?" One of the said. "H-He ran away w-when he h-heard you." i try to say. Its been so long since i used my voice. I can feel my horn lighting up from the stress. I immediately grab it and say "G-get away i c-can't control m-my power!" Its getting more and more intense. Then i feel it calming down. I look up and see one of the hero's using his quirk. If i had gone any longer i would have passed out when it powered down. 

I take a few deep breaths before turning to face the hero's again. "W-wheres Eri?" i ask them. "Did y-you save h-her too?" "Don't worry, shes safe. Its because of her we knew where you were." One of them told me. I nod and they motion for me to fallow them. 

They lead me out of the tunnels and i wince when the light hits my face. I haven't seen sunlight it over 4 years. When i can see again i look around at the city. Its been forever since i had seen it. 

The hero's left to find you, are you ok?

I heard Eri's voice in my head. 

Yes they just rescued me im fine.

I respond.

The Hero's look confused at why im holding me head. "I c-can communicate w-with Eri b-because of t-the h-horn." I tell them. "S-she was asking m-me if i w-was ok." The hero's nod and we continue walking to the hospital. 

The doctors run some tests on me when we get there and re bandage my arms and legs. Suddenly the door opens and i see Eri run in. "Y/N!" she yells as she wraps me into a hug. "Eri! I'm so glad your ok!" i tell her. 

Suddenly one of the hero's comes into the room. "My names Shota Aizawa, your going to be living at U.A high school with me until you can learn to control your quirks." he says. "Y/n you will be joining my class. I get the feeling you want to be a hero." I nod and say "Yes i want to show Overhaul im not as weak as he says i am."

"Great the U.A festival is in about two weeks. I will introduce you to the class in a few days once your injuries are healed." he says as he walks out of the room. I look down at Eri and say "I'm going to be a hero, your hero." she smiles and i bring her back into a hug.


Hello my wonderful readers! First chapter of the day! you can definitely expect at least one more today! Have a great rest of you Day/Night!

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