-Chapter 28-

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Today the class is going to be battling in the mountains where there's snow. Mr. Aizawa told us he wanted us to try battling in a new environment so we can get used to different places. 

The snow is up to my waist as i walk to the battle grounds. 

I look over and see Eri playing in the snow. Mr. Aizawa thought it would be good for her to get out of the school for once. 

"Now your going to be paired up into teams of two. The teams are going to face off in different areas of the mountain." Mr. Aizawa explains. 

I'm teamed up with Tsu and we're facing off against Jiro and Kaminari. 

We walk to the area Mr. Aizawa assigned us and I scout out the area. 

There's a tall rock off to the side and a tree in the middle. That will work for blocking their vision of us. 

There's also a small frozen pond to the side with thick ice. We're going to have to look out for that so we don't slip. 

There's also a ledge that drops down about thirty feet to the soft powder below. Even if its a soft landing i don't want to fall off there. 

Mr. Aizawa told us that we have to fight for at least three rounds and whoever winds the most rounds gets to have a day off of chores. 

We face off against them and I start to brainstorm possible ways to fight them.

We have to watch out from getting electrocuted and Jiro's sound waves are going to be hard to dodge. 

I can probably put up a force field that can block their attacks and Tsu can use her tongue to capture them. 

"Ready! Set! Go!!!!" Eri shouts. 

Mr. Aizawa made her our referee because she wanted to see me fight. 

We charge at them and they do the same. 

Jiro sends sound waves at us that i block with my force field. Tsu jumps over it and slaps Kaminari with her tongue surprisingly knocking him out. 

Then she wraps Jiro in her tongue capturing her. 

"Great job!!" I say high fiving her. 

"Thanks! Kero." She says. 

We set down Jiro and she slaps Kaminari to wake him up. 

Then we face off again. 

"Ready! Set! Go!!" Eri shouts again watching intensely. 

Me and Tsu try a different tactic this time. She runs over behind the rock while I climb the tree blocking their sight of us. 

Jiro sends a sound wave at the rock breaking it in half. 

Tsu dodges all the pieces and tries to capture Jiro but she blocks the attack. 

Kaminari then takes this chance to send shock waves at Tsu and Jiro captures her with her ear phone jacks. 

This leaves Kaminari rather stupid and Jiro laughing at him. 

I then jump down from the tree ready to attack her but in that split second Kaminari surprises me. He shocks me leaving me defenseless for enough time for Jiro to capture me with her other earphone jack. 

After we both recover I give Kaminari a shocked look. 

"You were just pretending to be brain fried?" I say. 

"Yup! I only used a little bit of my electricity on Tsu so I could use the rest for you!" He says proudly. 

"Wow that's smart for you." I say.

"HEY!! I'M NOT THAT STUPID!" He shouts at me. 

I roll my eyes and we get in position for the next round. 

"Ready! Set! G-" Just before Eri can finish an explosion comes from underneath us. 

I immediately run to Eri shielding her from the debris. 

I get hit in the leg by a sharp rock making me shout out in pain. 

After the ground stop shaking I look up to see a group of about five villains standing there. 

I quickly look around and see Jiro and Kaminari over by the ledge. 

Tsu is hiding behind some of the leftover debris by the tree. 

I hold Eri closer to me as I stand up to face them. 

"What do you want." I demand.

"We want to show the world that a few brats are no better than us." They say. 

Then one of them shoots ice at me.

I grab Eri and dodge it keeping her behind me. 

I run over to Tsu while the ice blocks their vision. 

"Take Eri. I'll fight them off. Try to help Kaminari and Jiro too!" I say giving Eri to her. She nods and holds her close while I jump back out into the open. 

I put up a force field in front of me as I charge at them. 

Suddenly the surprise me by smiling. 

"You've fallen right into our trap." They say. 

Then a strong blast of ice and wind pushes me backwards towards the ledge. My feet slip out from underneath me and before I fall I manage to grab on with one hand to the ledge. 

I look down beneath me and see that one of the villains put sharp ice spikes right underneath me. Now if i fall i will surely die. 

I grasp onto the ledge with my other hand and try to climb up but my feet slip making me almost fall. 

Kaminari and Jiro are both fighting the villains so they can't help me. And Tsu is protecting Eri. 

Then suddenly one of the villains appears above me. 

"Now its time for you to die." he says stepping on one of my hands making me cry out from pain and let go with that hand. 

He then stomps on the other making me fall down towards the spikes. 

I try to put up a force field beneath me but I'm spinning so much I can't tell which way is down. 

"Y/N!!" I hear Eri scream at me. 

Then there's a blinding golden light from above me. Then I land in soft powder. 

It takes me a minute to realize what just happened. 

I quickly sit up and see Eri staring at me crying at the ledge. 

"Your ok!" She shouts.

I smile and quickly climb up the mountain towards her. 

When I reach the top she crashes into me hugging me. 

The force nearly knocks me over but I manage to stay up and hug her back. 

I look around and see Kaminari and Jiro tieing up the villains while Tsu helps with the debris. 

I walk with Eri over to them and look at the knocked out villains. 

"What exactly happened?" I ask.

"Eri used her quirk. She reversed their quirks making the spikes disappear at the bottom and somehow reversed them back to when they were asleep!" Tsu says walking over. 

"You did all of that!" I say looking down at Eri. 

She nods excitedly and I hug her again.

"I could have never asked for a better sister."


That's going to be the last chapter! Sadly I can't think of any other way to continue this story so why not end it with sisterly love! I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you so much for reading! Have a great rest of your Day/Night!

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