-Chapter 22-

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Tomura: Meet me at xxx xxx xxx at 2 AM. We need to talk.

I put my phone down and think over the text message. Should i meet up with him? I can't believe he lied to me. Twice. Of course i still want to hang out with the league. But they are villains and I'm a hero.

After an hour of debating whether or not to go i finally get up and walk out of my dorm. I sneak out of the school and walk to the location he gave me. When i get there i go to check my phone to see the time but i must have left it in the dorms.

I sit down on a bench next to the alley he told me to meet him at. I wait for about 15 minutes and eventually i see his black hoodie appear. He walks into the alley next to me and motions for me to fallow him. I pull my hood over my head and fallow him making sure no one's watching.

As soon as i get into the alley he pins me against the wall. Careful not to put five fingers on me. "I know you got your memories back. Did you tell anyone you were coming here?" He asks me. I shake my head no and he lets me go.

"Why did you choose to come here then. If you got your memories back you should hate me." He says looking at the ground. "I came here because even if you did attack my friends, kidnap me, brainwash me, lie to me-" "OK I GET IT!" He shouts at me.

"Even though you did all those things you did treat me like family after you brainwashed me. IT taught me about teh league's bond. I'm sure even if say toga decided to be a hero she would still have a soft spot for the league because of her personal relationship." I explain.

I sit down next to Tomura and give him a side hug. "As long as you promise not to lie to me anymore and hopefully not to attack my friends, i will gladly be your friend." I say. I see him give me a slight smile.

"Thank you. And im sorry for the whole attacking your friends and kidnapping you." He says making me laugh a little. "I have to go now. I really don't want to be caught sneaking out." I say giving him one last hug. "Ill be in touch."

I walk off and make my way back to school. I try to avoid any dark streets that look like potential kidnapping streets. I really don't need to give Aizawa another reason to call me a problem child.

However luck really isn't on my side tonight. I can hear footsteps behind me. I look behind me to see a dark figure coming up behind me. I pick up my pace hoping he's just walking in the same direction as me.

I turn the corner and the figure appears right in front of me. He grabs my head and slams me into the wall. He covers my mouth preventing me from screaming. He then proceeds to kick and punch me. He continuously throws me to the ground.

After ten minutes of non stop pain my vision finally blurs. There's blood on the ground around me and im positive i have at least five broken bones. There's no way i can walk back to school like this. The man is still kicking me and im already about to pass out.

This street is secluded so its unlikely for anyone to find me. Suddenly the figure stops beating me and i hear him fall to the ground next to me. Their are faint voices surrounding me and i can see a few faces of my classmates as they try to talk to me.

I can feel myself getting picked up. I recognize the person carrying my as Katsuki. I can hear him yelling at me to stay awake. "We need to get her back to school quickly. She's injured badly." I make out the voice to be todoroki.

"K-K-Katsuki...I-It h-hurts.." I say starting to loose consciousness. "Stay with me Y/n." He yells but it only comes out as a faint whisper to me. Theres a sharp wave of pain in my stomach and black dots dance across my vision.

I reach up to try and grab onto katsuki.

Then i black out.


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