Chapter 55

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Tell me why I made a new DL book knowin' I got shit to do😫

Cheyenne rubbed her eyes as she sat up in the bed. She noticed Sebastian was no longer there, he must've went to start working as a Butler yet again.

She lift a hand and scratched her close to matted hair, soon fluffing it out. She furrowed her brows as she felt a different fabric on her arms.

She looked down and tilted her head. It was a long button up. She could easily tell her shirt was off while her shorts were left on. Cheyenne squinted her eyes "The fuck happened? I had on my shirt. Why is his on me? Where the fuck did it go?"

Cheyenne picked at it till she lift up the sleeve and sniffed it, suddenly stopping. It's as if the Dell shut down sound effect was heard. She lift up the front of his shirt and inhaled, closing her eyes in a small bliss as small images and various thoughts of the Demon came to mind "Ah, it smells just like him~"

She froze yet again and started quaking on the inside. Cheyenne started shaking in her spot as she tried to ignore her thoughts. To think, having feelings for him!? It was usually Cladue she would do this to. She looked back to the shirt and inhaled again, taking in the scent with a content face.

The Demon smirked on the other side of the door, closing the door completely and walking off


A rather large Rabbit hopped around in the open area, rubbing its face with its paws and sniffing around.

A few shuffles were heard a few feet behind it in a bush. They narrowed their eyes and aimed the weapon to the Animal. They cocked the firearm and closed one eye, using the other for accuracy. They kept their finger on the trigger as they watched the Rabbit hop along.

Before they could shoot, they glanced to their right and quickly ran off. The Rabbit, startled by the sound, looked back and tilted it's head as a figure in black ran past.

The person ran past Trees and other Animals as the being chased after them. They glanced back but soon looked forward and strapped the gun correctly before jumping to a Tree and climbing up, missing the object that struck near their leg.

Once they reached to a sturdy branch, they looked down to see nothing near them. After a series of looking back and forth for anything, something gripped their chin and held it up, making them stare into lowered, emotionless eyes.

"I told you to stay put, Miss Gilmore"

The girl smiled "Hey, Willikins!" William sighed and let her go, standing on the branch full and nudging his glasses. He grabbed her collar with his Scythe and lift her up, sitting her down on the ground while he jumped down and stood next to her.

Cheyenne pouted as they walked in the Woods "Will~ I was this close to gettin' that Rabbit.." She made a closing hand motion and soon winced as William bonked her on her head. She rubbed the spot "You have known my name since the beginning. Learn to say it" Cheyenne laughed and gave him a hug from his side "You're so funny, Will!"

William shook his head and kept walking with the girl hanging on his side.


Cheyenne layed her arms over William's shoudlers as he sat in the grass. She was listening to music with her eyes closed while he wrote a few things down on his observations of her.

William stopped as he felt her arms slide off of him. He glanced back to see her sitting down with her back on his instead. He hummed and went back to writing his notes, glancing over to check on her and looking for anything else he could note down. Cheyenne looked down at the shirt she was wearing, grumbling once she noticed she'd have to wash it due to the dirt on it.

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora