Chapter 96

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It's time for the big bang to begin

The door opened, shaking a bit as another laugh was made. A brown skinned girl poked her head through, her long dark curls bobbing with her


She stepped in, moving her bags inside. She looked around and closed the door. He wasn't at the front it seems

Cheyenne looked to a door that lead to the back room "...Maybe he's in there"


She sat the bags down in a good spot and then walked to the door, moving to where Undertaker might be.

Why would he be laughing in a room like this all of the sudden?

She pushed through the door and treaded in, looking around for a moment. She stopped for a second and waited, closing her eyes and calming her mind

"It was so funny! Hahaha! I wish I could do it all again!"

'Forward...Then, left'

She looked down the hall and spotted just the spot. A door down the hall on the left. She walked down to it and then noticed that it was cracked a bit. Cheyenne shook her head 'Must've opened when he was laughin''

She pushed it open and then stopped, an expression of shock plastered on her face

Cheyenne stared at the Male as he rolled around in the bed, hair wild and eyes gleaming. All while handcuffs sat on his wrists. He then threw his head back a bit as he layed there, his eyes going wide before they slanted while that smile on his face grew wider as he spotted the girl standing there.

"Helllooo, Dearie~ Hehehe, its nice to see you"

Ah, he was just happy to see her. Cheyenne walked up to him as he turned on his front, laughing at him. She helped him up a bit as he layed on the edge "You Jackass, what the fuck did you do?" The silverette stared at her before laying his chin on her chest, smile still present, as his eyes lowered to a loving stare "Why, nothin' of course"

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope! Not at all!"

She looked around the room and then caught a whiff of something. She sniffed again and followed it only to notice that it was his breath. She shook her head and then looked back down to him "You sure you're not drunk?" Undertaker shook his head "Nope! Nope, nope, nope!"

Cheyenne nodded and walked backwards, dragging him up with her "C'mon, get out of the bed"

Undertaker whined as he wobbled her way, now standing next to her. She then noticed that he wasnt in his usual wear. A plain white shirt and pants. Huh, that's new. Cheyenne walked in front of him a few ways, forcing him to stop following her back, and held out her arms. She knew this would coax him to walk to her.

"Ok, I think this is the right test. Walk in one straight line. Right to me"


"And I'll give you a hug"

Undertaker perked up and then stood straight. He took a step forward and proudly held his head high. He walked forward again and then took another step. He chuckled "See, my Dear? I'm perfectly--Wall"


The silverette froze and then rubbed his head. Cheyenne walked over and then took his arm, guiding him back over to the bed "Oh my God, you're drunk. That or you're high"

As she sat down, he whined. Cheyenne lfit a brow yet he crawled ontop of her, laying his head on her chest while she sat there and took it. Cheyenne sighed and pat his head as he hummed "Thank you, my Dear"

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