Chapter 24

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She wasn't stupid

Neither was he

His real motive was for her to come back. He stole her fair and square and he was going to take her back, trap her, and get the information he wanted.

Cheyenne sent him a glare while Grey sputtered "Yo-Your Manor!? Your Majesty, she was put under our protection! We cant just branch her off, and let us not forget to mention that Lord Trancy was promised that she will return to him once he recovers"

Cheyenne sent a smug smirk Sebastian and Ciel's way. The Queen waved her hand around "I'm sure it wont be too long. I trust my Guard Dog, she will be perfectly fine. But, Cheyenne,"

The brown skinned looked upward to the Queen. She waved her over and the girl walked up, heart beating fast. So many Queens have went up this way and touched the throne! She placed one hand to steady herself and bent down to the Queen.


"I may trust my Dog, however, I am very well aware of his doings. If anything happens, come home. I know you're able to" She pat her shoulder with a smile "You're very strong, Cheyenne"

Cheyenne stared at her for a moment as a smile crept to her face. She smirked down at the blunette and walked down the steps, swaying her hips at the lacking manner she did so "Ight. I'll stay with you"

Ciel nodded as she looked over to Grey and Phipps. One looked the same while the other was pouting in the corner. She then stared directly back to Ciel, a cold look on her face "Remember my words though, I'm not stayin' there, period"

She walked away from the group and to the door. Ciel stared at the door in her leave

'We shall see, Miss Gilmore'


Cheyenne laughed as Grey practically threw himself on her "I'm not gonna be gone forever!" He whined and buried his head in the crock other neck. Phipps walked over and pat her head as a goodbye. As the Butlers let her go, she went to John Brown. He stood there with the Queen, stoic as ever. "Bye, Mr. Brown" She wrapped her arms around him and pat his back.

"C'mon, y'know you wanna do it.." After a minute of him standing there, he lightly pat her back. She chuckled and turned to the Queen after letting him go. Victoria hugged her with a little squish "Stay safe.."

Cheyenne smiled "Yes ma'am, I will"

"Pardon me,"

They all looked over to Sebastian as he stood infront of the group dressed in white. He bowed "I apologize for interrupting but, it is time for my Master's leave" Cheyenne let go of the older Woman and smiled at the group as she walked back over to the carriage with Sebastian.

Something about being near him after what had happened made her nervous, plus, he wasn't her favorite character anyway so...

So, she decided to mess with him a bit

'Tall bitch tired it. Leavin' my ass for dead in them big ass trees. Who the fuck does he think I am? Man whore, I hope his ass gets Herpes. Screw him, Demon Bitch is his new name'

Sebastian's shoulders shook making her break her thoughts and look over to him. He coughed to cover it up and continued forward with her. He stopped at the carriage and opened it for her, going for her hand only for her to hop in. As soon as she touched the carriage ground, it shook and she didnt give two fucks either.

Grey huffed a chuckle with a smirk at Sebastian's 'I'm-so-done-with-life' expression. Ciel galred at her while she simply ignored him and sat down. Sebs got in with the two teens to see Cheyenne looking out the window and Ciel looking her over from the other seat. Sebastian sat down next to her, since that was the rule. He had to sit on the opposite of his Master.

However, Cheyenne narrowed her eyes and scooted away, sitting closer to the window instead. As the carriage passed the royal group, she waved at them all, sad that she had to leave them but she'll be back.


As soon as they entered town, she went back to her usual state. Quiet and to herself. She didn't look at the other two, she didn't even think about them. All she did was listen to music and watch the things passing by the window.

And, being her egotistical self, she thought she looked nice win her little fit, a white hoodie and black shots to match as well as a white and black bandana on her head. She thought she looked good. Hopefully no one will mistake the bandana for anything.

Cheyenne made a face and looked up 'Do they do that here?'

A tap was made on her shoulder. She paused the music on her earbuds and looked over to see Sebastian smiling down at her. She just gave him a bored look. The blunette across from her straighted himself "Good. Now that we have your attention.."

She looked Ciel's way and waited for him to answer "I will ask you questions and you will answer them. It doesnt matter what happened before, that is all in the past" Cheyenne kept the same stare as he finished. Ciel, slightly on edge from her dead expression, looked away from her gaze. The fact that she gave him the stare with no emotion at all ticked him off a bit. He expected her to answer back but she just decided to keep quiet.

And that's how it went for the rest of the ride


"Hey! It's the Young Master!"

"Oh, yes it is!"

"Oi...Whose that with 'em?"

The four watched as a brown skinned girl followed Ciel out of the vehicle and stepped over to the door. She had strange clothing on too with brown skin. Finny tilted his head "That's strange. Do you think she's a new Servant?" Mey-Rin cupped her cheeks "A new Maid? How exciting!"

The Servants eagerly spied behind a pillar as the three stood in, Sebastian holding the door. Ciel stepped in first as he spoke "You will be placed in the room you were in before. Dont think about escaping, my gardener removed that tree. Be my guest if you like broken bones"

Just as Cheyenne stepped in, Mey-Rin's eyes widened "I remember her! She was the girl Sebastian brought here. About a month ago I believe.." She lowered her voice as good as she possibly could. The short girl glanced their direction and they all froze. They didn't expect her to see them. She smiled and waved the Maid's way, taking Mey by surprise. Ciel saw the change and scowled at the group. They jumped as all eyes went to them and hurried away while Tanaka simply sipped out of his cup and went on about his day.

Cheyenne walked infront of Ciel and treaded on without him. He was being slow and just standing there. First the Trancys and now the Royals, who the fuck is next? What else are you gonna do, Phantomhive?

'I'm done with this School and these fake as people'

"Miss Gilmore"

The girl stopped and looked back as she stood on the second stairway. Ciel walked to the other staircase behind her "Make sure you wash up before Dinner. Who knows where you've been"

Cheyenne huffed and kept walking

'Fuckin' bitch-'


The Moon was out, all nice and pretty. Alois smiled as the light drowned into his room. Slowly but surely, he was recovering.

His scars were healed, all they needed to do was fade away now. It was mostly his head that needed attention. And the faster he recovered, the faster Cheyenne would be back home.

Cheyenne stared out her window as she sat in a chair infront of it. She had checked and sure enough, they took out the tree, even the roots so another couldn't grow. She took her earbuds out for a moment and listened to the noiseless Manor. It was a big difference then how things were back in her time, in her home.

Not a creek

Not a laugh

Not a voice

Just emptiness

How sad

"I didn't expect you to be alive after losing you in the woods. It was even more of a surprise to see you with the Undertaker, and now with the Queen?"

Sebastian stepped out of the shadows behind her with a smirk

"Aren't you just full of surprises, Miss Gilmore.."

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