Chapter 81

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Tucker tilted his head "I am curious, how did you find out it was me?"

Cheyenne narrowed her eyes "The clothes. No matter what, Landon is a hoarder. He would never throw out his clothes, especially if they were from Fashionova. That was may main one..." Tucker nodded "Any others?" The girl gripped her Sword "I could say them but, I can't think of them at the top of my head right now"

Cheyenne glared at the Male as she charged at him, Sword flying for his chest. Tucker quickly ducked and aimed to kick her only for her to punch him in his face

Once he fell, she lift her Sword high and stabbed it down. Tucker covering himself


Nothing had pierced him?

He froze as something cold dripped on him. He undid himself and looked up.

Cheyenne's face held nothing but anger and frustration, yet sadness sparkled in it as well. And then there were tears..

She had said before, it was hard for her to cry

So, Tucker, my Friend. It seems that you've triggered something you shouldn't have

"Wh-What the fuck is wrong with you.." She glared directly into his bright blue eyes "What the hell are you...I fucking hate you.." Tucker watched as she gripped his neck, putting her knee on his chest and adding pressure "I-I thought he was here...I thought I had my Brother" Tucker twitched while his eyes fluttered. His arm slowly lift itself up, balling up. Cheyenne kept her glare through all the tears and glossiness

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Something gripped her collar, yanking her back. Her hands flew from the albino's neck, seeing that he was going to knock her in her temple. She spared a glance to see what was holding her back but they had thrown her too far into the air. Cheyenne prepared herself to hit the ground, waiting for the pain that would strike

"Miss Gilmore!"

She looked up but a force pulled on her clothes, swinging her over to the person that called her name. The object suddenly released her. She let out an 'oof' as she landed. She looked up to the person, blinking away the few stray tears that sat in her lashes "Will?"

He stared at her face as he held the girl, specifically her eyes. He was analyzing her emotions. Weird way to put it, yes

He furrowed his brows in disturbance. It didn't sit right in his stomach that she was crying. William looked forward with a glare. Cheyenne followed his gaze, her eyes widening even further at the silverette as he stood there with his back to them, far down the hall

William 'hmpf'd' and turned "I'll leave him in your care, Undertaker"

The tall Male stared down the albino with an intimidating gaze. Tucker scooted back, his breath wavering as Undertaker just stood there. His bangs were over his eyes, his arms were down. Not even a weapon was seen in his hands

Undertaker turned his head back a bit, looking past his bangs to find the girl. He had pulled her away from Tucker before he could do anything. Before she could kill him

Oh, the way how she stared at the floor. The sound of her voice as it had echoed in the hall. It sounded so broken, so dead. And when he saw the liquid streaming down her cheeks, he nearly lost himself

He hated seeing her cry, it had happened so rarely that it had became one of the things he despised

Undertaker narrowed his eyes as he turned back while William walked away with her in his grasp, looking down to Tucker to find him gone. He look back up and watched the albino as he rounded the corner. Undertaker stood there for a moment

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