Chapter 98

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"Go back to bed, Undertaker"

The silverette froze in his spot by the bed. He was sitting there, just watching over her for some time. I mean, sure, an hour or two probablywent by but, who cares. He glanced back to the girl as she simply layed there and slept

He giggled "I already am"

Cheyenne layed there as she kept her eyes closed "No you're not, you're in here. You need enough rest, go back to sleep"

Undertaker suddenly layed on the bed with her, a smile on his face as he had his arms and legs extended "Fine then, I'll sleep here!"

Cheyenne pulled a face as she tried to turn yet, couldn't "Undertaker, your big ass is taking up all the space!"

"You think my bottom looks big? Oh my"

Cheyenne rubbed her face at his logic

She then lift a brow as he turned and wrapped his arms around her. Undertaker sat his head ontop of her's "Little One.." Cheyenne hummed to see if he would answer. But, he didn't. She shook her head and turned around to him "Huh--"

They were so soft

They felt like a cloud

And the way he embrace her

So warm and pleasant

And as much as she wanted to back away-

No, no...As much as she wanted to continue-


Cheyenne lift her bead away from his, opening her eyes once more "I....Did we...My sweet Jesus-"

As she sat up, Undertaker chuckled "Why stop?"

Cheyenne's heart thumped against her chest loudly. What did he say?

Undertaker sat up himself and caressed her cheek "I only do these things when you seem comfortable. I would never go against what you want, my Dear" Cheyenne stared at him in the dark as he layed back down.

She had done it before but, she thought he was still black out drunk. And she didn't mean to do it that Night, he....Well..

Cheyenne glanced to the side as she lift her leg and turned "I-Uhm..." Undertaker watched under his bangs as she sat on his lap, her hands shaking slightly on his chest. He tilted his head "Is something wrong, my Dear?"

Cheyenne stared at his chest as she began to grip his clothes a bit "...I-I don't mind if...You want to..." Undertaker's eyes narrowed as his smile grew bigger "Oh?"

She flinched and shrouded a bit as he sat up, sitting a hand on her hip and one on her side

"You wouldn't mind if I touched you like this?"

His nails began to grip her thighs, trying to drag her forward

"Or if I brought you closer..."

Cheyenne hugged his body close as she made it to his chest. She was shaking, she was nervous. He found it utterly adorable.


A cold finger sat under her chin, lifting it up. A thumb rubbed her lip a bit, they felt so smooth and warm, the way they trembled was as if she was begging him to come closer. He tilted his head as well and leaned in

Their free hands sat entwined as their lips danced together in harmony. This felt so perfect. She didn't know how to explain it, neither did he. Cold and hot mixing together, sharing themselves with the other. Two Misfits coming together in such an odd way

A close bond being formed that could even battle many

A horrible desire growing deep in one while the other sat oblivious


Ever since she left, he had gone on a quiet frenzy

He would be so happy

Odd, isnt it?

It was only denial. Denying that she truly didn't leave and that she would come back like she always does

That's why he seemed so happy

But, they all knew deep down, he was hurt even more

Hannah walked past the Trancy's door, glancing at it and then continuing her way. She kept going all til she ran into Xander's room

She opened it and walked inside, carefully going over to where the Baby layed. She smiled at the sleeping little thing, seeing him with this new hair color was odd. She brought her hand down and moved it from his face "I see your Mother is busy"

Xander still layed there and slept, happy as can be.

Hannah blew out the candles she carried with her and then glanced out the window as something black moved in the shadows. She narrowed her eyes at it and then looked back down to the Baby

But, the object outside stepepd out yet again and stared directly at her, waiting for the perfect moment


Cheyenne deapan as she stared at all the dark marks on her neck. She had found a mirror and didn't know that she had all of these on her.

"I see you've found my little treasures"

The familiar silverette draped her arms around her as they stood in front of the long mirror. Cheyenne rubbed one spot gently "There's tones of 'em too"

Undertaker pecked her skin and then sat his cheek on her's "I think they look perfect"

Cheyenne shook her head and looked up to him, him looking down to her "Pfft, course you do, UT"

The two smiled at each other and then crashed their lips together for a small moment.

I wonder what stage these two are on-


The girl walked alongside Undertaker as he dragged her out of the Parlour. Today was a new day and they needed to spend it by doing something.

But, they didn't know what to spend it on yet.

So, Undertaker decided to take her out to go and enjoy herself

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